Chapter 13

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June 12th
The Hall of Justice

Parker yawned. Her presence had been required immediately, and the League would not take later for an answer. So, a zeta from the Bat Cave later, the arrival of the young vigilante was greeted by a specific member. Martian Manhunter turned his green head around as he noticed the announcement.

"Recognized: Covert, A01."

"I thank you for coming," the martian greeted.

"No problem," Covert nodded. She had spoken with the League member before, and he seemed a kind soul, yet something about him still made her uncomfortable. Perhaps it was the fact that he was an alien. If that bothered her, would she be racist? "How can I be of service?"

The expression in Manhunter's face did not change. "I do not require assistance. I simply wish to introduce you to somebody." His words came off slowly.

Confusedly, Parker followed the martian as he strolled down the long hallway. She had expected to do something she was good at, perhaps set up a computer for him. After all, martians could use human technology, it just confused them a bit. Never had she though this extremely urgent call would entail a meet-and-greet.

She sighed in annoyance, ready to get this over with.

The Hall of Justice contained several meeting rooms, some not on record. The one they seemed to be heading towards required fingerprint and voice recognition. The elevator lowered a hundred levels to a room lined with lead and titanium. It could function as a bomb shelter should the need ever arise.

While not exquisite in decor, the ballroom-sized bunker state of the art equipment. From a panel, one could access pop-out beds that sprung from the walls, tables, chairs, and basic appliances, and two separate connecting rooms for restrooms. It had its own internet network, a vast connection set up courtesy of Wayne Enterprises. No shock there.

However, the bunker housed another purpose. Manhunter stored his ship down there when he had no need of it. The ship had its own landing strip, though it floated in an oval during most of its off duty periods.

Next to the floating piece of martian technology was a girl with long red hair. She stood with her back turned.

"Covert," Martian Manhunter addressed. "I would like you to meet my niece, M'gann M'orzz. M'gann, this is the girl I was telling you about."

The girl turned around as her uncle began speaking. "Hi," she smiled warmly, raised a green hand in greeting.

Parker nodded, suddenly interested. She did not know Manhunter was bringing a companion back with him from Mars. "Nice to meet you." The vigilante returned the smile. "What brings you to Earth?" A conversation seemed the correct course of action.

"Oh," she flushed in embarrassment. "Actually––"

"M'gann returned to see Earth for herself." Manhunter interrupted. The martians glanced at each other knowingly.

Parker could sense tension between the two, and decided to move onto another topic. "How do you like our planet so far?"

M'gann studied the earth-girl interestedly. "I haven't seen much of it, but the view from space was amazing. There is so much blue!"

Covert nodded; the exhilarating feeling was not mutual. She remembered how much the young martian had traveled and realized it would be much farther than she ever would. Perhaps this could be a learning experience for her, as well.

After only a few brief exchanges, Parker could read M'gann well. She was overly friendly, that much was evident. But there was more. The martian expressed an overwhelming desire to be accepted. Perhaps it would be something Parker could give in return.

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