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"Opportunity knocks at the door only once."

Chapter Two

-two years ago-

"You know this is our chance Chan! We gotta leave now." Ming paced back in forth distraught, "it's just gonna get worse if we don't. Maybe not for me, but at least for you." Of course I knew she was talking about my father.

"We can't just leave though?"

"We've already been accepted to one of the top universities there! This is a no brainer!"


"You can try to do what you want but I'm not leaving this place without you... You're gonna get hurt. It's just a matter of time."

I sighed, "this is just to much Ming... I don't think I can decide..."

"Or is it that you're just too dumb to leave?! Wake up! You're fucking terrified of men because of fuck up dad and everything else you've gone through! You have anxiety attacks like every hour- this isn't healthy for you at all! I'm not giving you a choice, you're coming with me."

"Okay..." tears welled in my eyes,

"Besides, all your stuff is pretty much here. My mom will send us everything else we need once we're settled."

"Y-you've thought th-through so much..."

"I knew I had to or you wouldn't give in. This is our chance at starting over, and maybe you can finally be okay for once."



"Flight 553 to Seoul, South Korea is now boarding."

"That's us." Ming grabbed ahold of her carry-on. Apart of me felt like I could hardly move, so many emotions hitting me at once. I could still see the hurt in my mothers eyes as she watched me pack, making sure my father didn't arrive in time to see. She understood, as much as she hated to.

I could still hear the way her voice broke as she whispered, 'I love you', as I left.... I wonder how she is right now? She was alone with them... maybe she would now leave for good too. If I can, so can she.

As we boarded our plane I took one last look back at the city I grew up in. This was it. I'd probably never see Xiamen again, but deep down I was okay with that fact, no matter how much it killed me inside.


The plane was dead silent inside, no one spoke but the captain over the intercom. The night had engulfed the city, the lights illuminating through the clouds. Besides that, it was clear. It felt like a new beginning, like a weight had finally been lifted for the first time.

"Hey..." my head shot over the guy besides me.

I shrank back into my seat taking a deep breath, "H-hi.."

"I'm James, you?" He spoke English, but then switched to Korean when he figured I couldn't understand, "uh... going to Seoul?"

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