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"Time is money, and it is difficult for one to use money to get time."

Chapter Twenty-Six

Waking up I was met with a soft light, yet everything around me was blurry- eyes stinging and were practically refusing to open. My mind was fuzzy, the last remnants of some dream were soon chased away by the realisation that I was awake. It was a nice dream, I was home again and able to see my moms bright smile... but the details were fading fast as I tried to recall them. With a mental sigh I allowed my brain to focus and cautiously open one eye. The bright sunlight cut through the room blinding me once again. I pulled the covers over my head to keep it out of my eyes. But soon my mind drifted off to the worrisome situation I remembered myself to be in...

A hand softly ran through my hair and a soft chuckle met my ears, I found comfort in the warm gesture, completely forgetting where I was for a few minutes, "Jiho?"

"Yes princess?" my boyfriend responded immediately, but seeming concerned with somethings else.

"Can I have my phone?" I stared up at him and I saw he sat up in a seated position against the bed's headboard. He was on his phone,



"Because...." I could see how visibly frustrated he was, not sure of what he wanted to do. I knew Jiho needed control of situations and it was probably hard seeing as now he had none. "just give me some time."

"What about my friends they may be worried."

With a few seconds of silence he responded, not too happily; "Alright, but I'm only giving it back for that... give it to me afterwards."

"Okay." handing me my portable device, I was taken back by how many missed called and messages I had.

'Where are you?'

'You're dating THE Zico?! I mean like why else would you be with him.........'

'Chan what's going on omg?'

'All I'm seeing is articles about Zico being out with a girl and Kyung... but then YOU'RE the girl omfg wtf I can't!!'

'Answer your fucking phone....... oml did the sasaengs get you?'

'I can't believe this Jiho guy all along had been Zico I can't even.. I can't even believe I didn't figure it out.'

It was a lot to see all those messages about how worried people actually were. Though I felt guilty to put them through all that drama, it was a reminder that people did care.

"You good now?" Jiho's voice interrupted my thoughts as I hurriedly typed away responses to everyone.

"Uh y-yah..." I passed my phone over to him, "are you okay?" it was easy to see the distress written all over his features.

"I should be asking you that." he looked over at me.

"I'm okay..."

"You won't be once you see what everyone has to say," his words were harsh, "I just... don't know what to do. I want to be able to protect you from all this but I really can't be apart of another scandal..." there was a point to what he said. It wasn't that Jiho was a bad person, every once in awhile he got himself caught up into something...

"Whatever you wanna do is fine..."

"No Chan what do you want?"

"But this could damage your career and I-"

"Why should I give a fuck about that now you're involved?" by this time Jiho was closer to me, hand cupping my chin;

"I don't want to get hurt......" I sniffled thinking about what was most likely coming my way. If it was like what Sunhye went through- it's not what I want.

"I know, and that's why I don't know what to do. I could lie and say you're just a friend but then eventually it would come out and backlash would be bad." he sighed, "I'm meeting with my manager and company in an hour about the ordeal, but they'll only do what I want when it comes down to it."

By this time I felt lost and scared; my voice quiet, "I-I don't want this."

"Want what?" taking my hand into his, our bodies were pressed together under the covers, "us?"


"Okay good..." he laughed softly sighing, "go on though."

"It's just I know everything that Sunhye has to go through and then there's everything you read about the fans and I just don't want that."

"I don't want that for you either Chan... it's just I feel like it would be worse if I tried to hide it."


"Baby I'll do whatever you want me to..."

"But what do you want?"

"Personally I want to tell everyone I have a girlfriend and keep it at that. Not release your name, picture... the ones from the articles are fairly blurry so I think you'd be okay."

It didn't seem like an awful idea. It wouldn't be a whole big scandal if he admitted to having a girlfriend but never released who I was... "I mean if you want, that doesn't sound horrible."

"Are you sure?"

"I think, I mean I'm still worried but-"

"I'll be here for you; you do know that right?"

"Yes but-" Immediately I was cut off by Jiho's lips pressing to my own. It was short but nonetheless it worked to quiet me.

"I'm gonna get ready to go." another kiss, "I'll call you when we've come to a decision."



It was a truly heartbreaking situation I now found myself in with Chan. I tried my best to keep her away from social media or from any possible encounters even though it was all released just yesterday. Already I was forced to read harsh, disgusting comments about the girl I loved...

Slowly I typed out a message on Twitter, knowing that this had to be done now. I had the company behind me on my decision and it was consensual that there would be no easy way out. It may have been a mistake, but I was going to leave Chan out of the loop on this.

'To all of my fans... I'm sure you've seen the articles about me having a girlfriend, and I'm here telling you that it's true. I've been in this relationship for six months now and am very happy. Please show her and myself lots of support.'

Hitting done... the message was up.

I watched as hundreds of thousands of replies and reposts poured in. Distress, sadness, anger and hate was everywhere and only a few kind comments were throughout.

Soon my attention was dragged away as my phone began ringing and one certain name popped up on the screen-


[guys I've been pretty miserable lately so I'm really sorry for the lack of updates

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[guys I've been pretty miserable lately so I'm really sorry for the lack of updates... also y'all should check out my Simon D story]

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