Chapter 2

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Ok... Ok, I can do this... I can do this! Who cares about prescription, right?! My life's crappy at the moment but it's worth something, and it's definitely more than a stupid package of Oxy.

"Alright..." I muttered, my hands up so he could see I was ready to cooperate "You can take the package, no charge. Here" I took it out of my white coat and handed it to him.

He took it and quickly hid it under his coat. He walked with his back to the front door, and once there, he turned on the inside lock. Oh, shit...

"I want more. I want Vico and whatever else you have with some Vike and Oxy." He demanded, the gun still pointed right at me "And all of you, down!"

The costumers were trembling, some old women wincing. I saw Mrs Martin squint and Mrs Kyle shake as the man with the gun started to make people sit on the floor.

"It's the pills you want." I stammered, my hands up again "And I'll give them to you, just let the costumers go."

"Shut your hole and get me what I told you!" He grunted, his finger going to the trigger.

People yelled, some cried, and even the cold blooded Mrs Martin gasped.

"Alright." I mumbled, swallowing hard "I'll get them."

"I'll get them" Gavin put in, coming from behind his cashier to meet me.

"Stop right there, nigger!" The drug addict grunted, and pointed his gun at my friend; Gavin stopped, his hands up and his mouth pressed tight "I asked the lady doctor!"

"I'm taller, I get to the shelves faster than she does" Gavin gestured with his head.

The drug addict frowned, thought about it for a few seconds and nodded.

"Fine. You, go. You" He grunted at me "Step behind the counter and sit there. You too!" He grunted at Julia, whose big green eyes were the size of Garfield's balls.

I sat next to Mrs Martin and Mrs Kyle, and the last immediately hugged me.

"Oh, my dear! Are you alright?"

"Of course she's not alright, Gertrude!" Mrs Martin snorted "She had a gun to her head!"

"I'm calling the police" Julia whispered, taking the phone from her white scrub.

"Give me that!" The drug addict yelled, pointing the gun at my friend.

All the women around us shrieked, and Julia closed her eyes really hard, handing the man her blue cell phone.

"Oh, God! Are you alright, dear?" Mrs Kyle stammered.

"I'm fine, thank-"

"Not you!" Mrs Martin rolled her eyes and pointed to the man seated on the floor a few shelves away.

"He doesn't look too good to me" Mrs Kyle assured.

I eyed him, same as Julia. He was panting, as in completely out of breath. His expiration was shallow, almost in a hiss. He had a dark blue tracksuit on, and a dark cap. Although I couldn't see his face I saw a bit of his neck and it was really turning blue.

I crawled to sit next to him, shoving him to make sure he was still alive – maybe the poor guy didn't take it and had a heart attack or something.

"Hey, there. Are you feeling alright?" I asked him.

The guy shook his head, and his pale blue hand showed me a small blue object.

"Shit." I mumbled, eyeing the asthma inhaler; I grabbed it, shook it and cringed "Double shit. It's fucking empty!"

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