Chapter 12

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"Hi." I greeted, as I met Charlie and Tyler by the black car "Well... I'm underdressed..."

Charlie was wearing one of his black silk tuxedos, a white shirt and a bow tie. What the frak? I eyed my flats and yellow halter neck dress. I looked like the dorky girl at the prom.

"No, you're not." Charlie frowned, grabbing my hand "You look beautiful, as usual. Hey."

My smile was tense. I knew it, I just knew I couldn't separate my Charlie from Prime Minister Whitehall. They were, all and all, one and only individual.

Just get it together, Alice. Forget politics – you're not really into it, anyway, which makes Da crazy.

"Something wrong? You look tense" Charlie asked as the car started to run under the cloudy night.

"Oh, no, no!" I chuckled, waving my hands quickly "Just tired, today. Went to the concert with the guys, last night... I'm still recovering."

"Well, then. I guess a night out at Launceston Place will help you get your spirit all together" He smiled and winked.

Great. Fancy restaurant, fancy man in a fancy suit. And just ol' plain Alice in her plain dress not suited at all for a top London restaurant. Alright, alright... Perhaps I was overreacting, for sure I was being-


"Shit." Charlie mirrored my thoughts "Tyler, can we go through the back?"

"I'll try, sir" Tyler nodded as he turned the car around the block.

The front of the restaurant was emerged in dozens if not hundreds – a bit of drama here, I might add – of Paparazzi waiting outside the double doors. If they were there for the Prime Minister or not, I had no idea, but I was pretty sure Charlie wouldn't wait to find out.

"I'm sorry about this." He sighed "We'll go in with no fuss, through the back."

All I was capable of giving was a simple nod and a nervous smile. Once Tyler stopped the car on the back alley entrance, he opened our door and both Charlie and I got out. Charlie grabbed my hand and set it in the crook of his arm. My hand gripped his thick bicep and I'm sure my nails hurt him a bit, but he just gripped my hand tighter and smiled.

"Good evening, Mr Prime Minister" A man fully dressed in a black tux, white shirt and classy bow tie greeted us as we entered through the kitchen.

I was too nervous and stressed to pay any attention to their conversation. All I'm sure of is, the entire kitchen was jaw dropped, all eyes on us. Tyler was close by and I felt him tap my shoulder soothingly as Charles started walking – almost dragging me, that's how stiff I was.

We entered the restaurant's black and golden decoration, a completely packed and posh place, filled with known faces and names, crowded tables, a piano playing somewhere. It was beautiful and romantic, but honestly, I couldn't really appreciate it.

"You look a bit rattled" Charlie frowned as we sat by a big round table, just the two of us.

I eyed him with another nervous smile, and mumbled a thanks to the waiter that took my black jacket. I saw Leo approaching Tyler, and both body guards stood in the shadows, eyeing the entire room to be sure the Prime Minister would be safe.

"Alice, look at me." Charlie asked, and I looked up, waiting "You haven't said a word ever since we left your place. What's wrong?"

"Like I said, just a bit tired" I lied, mumbling a thanks to a waiter as he filled my glass with some drink I don't even remember.

"I love this place." He smiled, gesturing to the surroundings with his filled flute "Beautiful music, wonderful decoration. And the food..." He sighed, and I smiled "You have to try their lamb; they're the best in the entire city."

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