Chapter 28

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Amanda stared at me with her eyes huge. I mumbled an 'It's ok', in hopes that she would trust me. Of course, nothing was ok at the moment; it didn't take a genius to figure that out. Nick pinned Amanda down on the coffee table, a couple steps away from me, the knife still pressed against her skin. I could see her blood run down her jugular.

"Alright, isn't this nice?" Nick smiled, and I swear there was a lunatic look on his face "We're all together again. Just like family."

Neither I nor Amanda dare speak a word. One of many things a person learns from movies or TV shows, is that you should never piss off the man with the weapon.

Nick patted Mandy's hair, and she winced, biting her lower lip.

"I see both of you turned out fine." Nick smiled, and it wasn't in a pleasant way; my hair was standing on ends "Ali, you're juggling two men, I'm proud! And my dear fiancée, is already sleeping with a very tough guy!"

"It's been months, Nick." I grunted; no one called my sister or I a slut "It's time to get over, remember? You said that to me, once."

"Well, you were right, and I was wrong. Are you happy now?" He grinned, shrugging.

He caressed Mandy's jaw with the tip of the blade as if it was his own hand; it was sickening to watch.

"Well, then, why don't we have a nice chat and clear things up?" He offered, shrugging again.

His free hand pulled back Mandy's hair from her shoulders so that it cascaded around them instead, and he dropped a soft kiss on the side of her neck. She swallowed hard, and I saw a couple tears form in her eyes. My hands squeezed my skirt tightly.

"I forgive you." He whispered into Mandy's skin "If you find it in your heart to forgive me as well."

Mandy said nothing. She merely tilted her head away from his touch. The disgust on her face was obvious. My stomach tightened, and my heart jumped to my throat and head. Nick wasn't going to accept it that easily, I knew enough by now to be sure of that.

And, as I suspected, he didn't take it easy.

He slapped her head, making her fall onto the carpet. He then kicked her back, grabbed her by her elbows and pushed her against the far wall. All the while, he held onto the knife firmly in his hand.

"Why are you hurting me like this?!" He yelled against her face, the knife pressed hard against her throat "Why do you keep making me angry?! I love you, Goddamn it!"

I sat on the sofa, debating with myself whether or not I should do something and risk getting Mandy hurt, or stay put and hope for the best outcome to arrive on its own.

"You know I get a little... stressed, sometimes." He tucked her hair behind her ear, away from her crying face "So why don't you just stay quiet and understand?"

"Because you make me sick!" She snapped.

He grunted and buried the knife deeper in her throat. And that's when I made my decision. Shrieking, I jumped onto his back, wrapping my arms around his throat, choking him. He waved his arms frantically around, cursing and yelling at me. I heard more than I saw Amanda trying to take the knife from his hand. It was around the time the three of us were cat fighting over the knife that a knock sounded on the front door. The three of us stopped fighting in the middle of the living room to look at the front door.

"Amanda? What's going on in there?" It was Julia's voice.

"You say a word, and I'll cut her" Nick whispered to me, my arms still around his neck, his hands gripping Amanda's.

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