Chapter 7

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"Why are you so nervous, darling?" Aunt Doris patted my shoulder by the kitchen table "Is it because of Amanda and Nick? Oh, darling...! Don't be like that! You'll find a nice lad!"

That really wasn't my number one worry, right now...

"Anything?" Julia came from the archway of the living room to the kitchen, a hopeful look on her face.

"Nothing." I showed her my cell "I've drank half this bottle of white wine, and I'm feeling a lot more relaxed, now. Which means all I'm feeling is a slight headache; oh, and the constant need to puke" I cheered her way.

"Snap out of it!" Julia grunted, slapping me and taking the wine glass from my hands, tossing it to the sink behind me "He's coming. He said he would!"

"I don't really care, at this point." I assured her with a grin and a shrug "I'm just waiting for the 'Couple of the Year' to come from that door" I pointed to the front door "and embarrass me some more. How hard can that be?"

"I think you should have an aspirin."

As we got out of the bathroom and I'd had two aspirins, the number one couple was already being pampered in the centre of the living room. Julia and I sneered at them from the stairs that led to both the front door and the tiny living room.

"I really hope they end up making each other miserable" My friend grunted.

"You're not a bad person, Jules." I said, patting her shoulder "Don't let them turn you into one of them."

"Screw being a good person!" Julia grunted, grabbing the rail tight "They deserve it, it's Karma."

"Then let Karma deal with it" I grinned, as the bell sounded at the front door.

"Oh, maybe it's cousin Judith!" Mum grinned as she jogged to open the front door "Alright, everyone, that's the last one! Gather around the living room and-"

She was grinning as she opened the door wide; she quickly turned pale and serious.

"Good evening. Mrs Summers, is that right?" Charles Whitehall was smiling at our door, our door! "I'm Charles. It's a pleasure to finally meet you. Alice has told me a lot about you."

My Mum turned her face at me very slowly, and I saw her greenish eyes shooting laser darts at me on the spot. Yep, she was going to kill me.

"Mr Pri-"

"Please, just call me Charles." He frowned and put a hand up "I'm off duty."

"You know, you keep saying that, but you're actually never off duty!" My friend Julia grinned, stomping down the stairs and leaning in for a quick hug.

What is she doing?!, my brain cells demanded me.

Fuck if I know!

She whispered something in his ear and I frowned as Charles smiled at her.

"Alice." He greeted, to which I waved embarrassed "You look beautiful."

Mum frowned at him and then me. Right, the guy had to be crazy to like my old fitted jeans and loose sweater that read 'According to chemistry, alcohol is a solution'. She didn't get it, it was supposed to be sarcastic!

"Thank you..." I mumbled, stomping down the last steps to meet him by the door "Huh... come in."

"Thank you." He said as I closed the door behind him "Oh, I brought the beer. You said you needed beer, right?" He asked Mum.

The always talkative Frankie Summers just nodded, her face white from the shock.

"Why don't you come inside and meet everybody?" Julia grinned, pulling him by his elbow.

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