Chapter 23

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I don't know how I didn't get into an accident that morning. Seriously, it must've been the fastest I rode Marianne in all the time we were together. Obviously, my limbic system was kicking my pre-frontal cortex's ass. As I got to Charlie's place, I was shaking; my stomach was queasy and my migraine escalating into an implosion.

I saw the bodyguards in their car, two more at the end of the street, discreetly walking around the garden, in their mundane clothing. I parked Marianne clumsily, tossed the helmet over her seat, and stomped up the stairs towards Charlie's front door.

"Excuse me, Miss, where are you going?" One of the big brutes grabbed my arm and pulled me back.

"I'm having a break-up conversation with your boss" I grunted to the big black guy.

"I'm sorry, Miss, but the Prime Minister isn't receiving anyone, today" The guy answered, as he dragged me down the stairs.

"Wow, wait a minute, you little-"

"Jones, let Miss Summers go."

I actually twisted my head in a bad angle to face Tyler behind me. He was closing the car door, with a very stern Leo eyeing my new best friend, Agent Jones.

"This woman trespassed-" Jones started arguing.

"I said, let Miss Summers go." Tyler's voice was serious and even a bit cold, hard as a whip; obviously, Agent Jones immediately obeyed him "Good. Now, you go with Leo inspect the main street; make sure there were no reporters following Miss Summers."

An annoyed looking Jones followed a smug Leo down the street, while Tyler took a couple more steps to join me by the stairs.

"Hey" I greeted, looking down at my flats.

"Hello." He greeted, clearing his throat at the end "How have you been?"

"Alright." I shrugged, kicking some invisible rock "I kinda need to talk to him."

"I figured you would come by." He sighed; as I looked up, he rubbed his beard as if pondering "Fine. I'll let you in. His father is inside, as well."

"Oh... great." I winced, following him up the stairs "Just what I needed..."

"Alice, relax." Tyler asked, as he unlocked the front door "You're great. You can do this."

"Right..." I snorted, walking in "Hey, Tyler?"

He turned before closing the door.

"We... huh..." I blushed, and he cleared his throat as it, too, blushed "Are we... good?"

"Yes. We're good, Miss Summers" He nodded with a soft smile.

"Good." I smiled a bit as well "I'm... huh... gonna talk to him, then."

He nodded, and closed the door without another word.

Yeah, ouch. This actually hurt, looking at him, talking, and not feeling that usual closeness and friendship. It was weird to feel... weird. We were always so comfortable around each other.

"Alice?" Charlie blinked as I knocked on his office door and walked inside "Hey! Didn't expect to see you, today."

"I bet. Mr Whitehall." I added to his father, also standing behind Charlie's desk "Would you give us a minute?"

"No." Quentin Whitehall frowned, as if offended "Who the hell do you think you are to come here and-"

"Sir, I only need a minute, and since your son already took every other minute of the day to embarrass me in public, I would very much appreciate if you could spare me the one."

Mr. Prime MinisterWhere stories live. Discover now