Chapter 2: Captured (Nina POV)

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I loved the fall. The air was getting crisp and the forest was a vibrant yellow, orange and red. But most importantly, the heat of the summer was going away. Praise the Lord! Being a wolf I was always warm. My body temperature stayed at a regular 105 degrees or so. Having such a quality made it really difficult for me to enjoy summer.

The sky was a clear blue and the cool breeze played with my dark brown hair as I walked into the small town of Higdon, Missouri. It was directly in the middle of a forest. I knew I was in a pack territory. Which one was a mystery but non the less I guarded myself. I might would have tried to avoid the town if it hadn't been for the fact that there was nothing around it and it was the only town I had seen in three days. I needed a shower!

To my luck I found a small bed and breakfast near the border of the town that wasn't encompassed in trees. It was a quaint little place; A three story house painted dark brown with blue accents. It had a gravel parking lot and walk way. I didn't mind that however. I had been in worst places. I smelled the scents of wolves all around the place. It wasn't a strong scent meaning that they hadn't been here in a while. What I was most worried of was if the manager or owner was a wolf. They would no doubt turn me over to the pack Alpha. But I needed a place to stay, shower and do laundry. It was a risk I had to take. Whatever sanity I had left depended upon it.

The door opened with a little ding and I walked inside. The entirety of the inside was made of polished dark oak wood. In front of me was a desk like station jetting only half way into the wide hall. To the right of this were the stairs to the second level. On the right wall was an archway leading to a sitting room or den. On the let wall, before the desk, was a closed door. Beneath my feet was a very old but beautifully designed rug. Before I took another step I sniffed the air. The scent of wolf was even obscure in here. I was safe. No wolves lived in here or worked. Quickly getting over my initial paranoia I walked over to the desk and rung the bell. A loud chime echoed through the house. In a moment an older woman appeared out of a closed door on the other side of the hall. When she saw me she smiled. I studied the woman as she walked graciously over to the desk. She had short white hair and green eyes. There were many smile wrinkles on her face which only seemed to add to her charming demeanor. She wore a cream blouse with a long dark blue skirt and black slip-ons. When she reached the desk she looked at me again. I could tell she was studying me. I smiled at her.

"Hi," I said.

"Hello dear, how may I help you?"

"I was wondering if I could have a room. Anyone will do," I replied. She looked at me for a moment. Probably trying to analyze the situation.

"I'm sure we can make something work out. I am Mariah by the way. We are pretty empty at the moment so you may have your pick!" she said happily as she showed me the guest book. I signed my name, using an alias of course, and asked for a room on level three. There were only three rooms here meaning I probably wouldn't have any neighbors while I stayed.

"How long will you be staying with us?" the old woman asked after glancing at my name.

"Just tonight I believe."

Mariah nodded before handing me a key to my room. It was a normal key. Well it wasn't one you would see everyday. It was large and black. She led me up to the top room and made light chatter with me. She didn't really ask anything about me which I was thankful for.

"Here is your room." I nodded to her smiling a 'thanks' and walked to the door. "I usually serve breakfast in the mornings about seven. My husband, Frank, and I sleep on level one. We are the last door in the hall. If you need anything feel free to seek either of us out. You are free to roam the house of course but please do not enter any of the bedrooms. Is there anything else I can get you?" she asked.

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