Chapter 5: Escape

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Hello People! Heh, I am sorry. I said I would shorten the chapters but it just isn't happening. Anyway. Let me know what yall think! Nina's past has apparently caught up with her. And her past appears to be a person! Anyway comment!

-Constance A.


I should have tried to escape while I was shopping. If I had tried I would have been able to. I didn't because.... I sighed. Now I was stuck between a rock and a hard spot. I couldn't stop chiding myself after the event with the bounty hunter. I had to go now. If they knew I knew something about the Red Wolf they wouldn't leave me alone.

"Are you ok?" Ethan asked. I glanced at him. I guess he had noticed how distracted I was. I hope that was all he noticed. I nodded and returned to my tired stare at the bed. I could tell that Ethan was worried about me. I was being rather obvious but I couldn't help it. The Red Wolf terrified me.

"What are you thinking?" he asked.

"Oh, nothing really. Just thinking about earlier today," I answered evasively and in a monotone.

"You are thinking about that legend of the Red Wolf and those bounty hunters aren't you?" I glanced at him. He was able to tell that I was just by my look. He took me in his arms and hugged me.  I didn't stop him or try and move out of his grasp. It was comforting to be held by him. I nuzzled his chest. I could here his heart beat so easily. It was like a lullaby. "Don't worry about it. I wont let anything happen to you. That is a promise," he whispered in my ear. I hugged him best I could.

And I won't let anything happen to you, I thought.

I woke up the next morning to have two arms firmly fastened around my waist and the wonderful hazy feel of sparks all  over my body. I smiled. The matter of us sleeping in the same bed together hadn't come up last night. It was obvious that Ethan would just wiggle his way back into bed later that night if I made him sleep on the floor. I shifted a little bit trying to get out of his grasp without waking him but it turned out that he already was. In one swift motion I was pulled over so that I was facing him. He had a stupid grin on his face. I smiled back, my hands resting on his bare chest.

"Morning beautiful." Blush rose up in my cheeks and I glanced away from his blue eyes. His happy expression changed to one of nervousness.

"What's wrong?" I asked quietly. My brows were furrowed.

"I want you to meet the pack." My eyes went wide. Out of all the things I thought he would have said that was definitely not it.

"I don't know." I avoided eye contact with him. "W-why?" my voice came out a little timid.

"Well they have been asking about you. They are eager to meet their new Luna." The realization of his last sentence hit me like a wall of bricks. Of course, since he was the Alpha and I was his mate I would be the new pack Luna. But that wouldn't happen. I couldn't stay. I was putting too many people in danger.

"Why so soon?" I was raking my brain for a plausible excuse.

"It isn't that soon. We've nearly been together for a week now. Feels a lot longer though." I didn't answer. "But if you aren't quite ready yet we can wait. I can introduce you to them at the bonfire next Saturday." I didn't answer. I had nearly week to plan and escape. Next Saturday was my deadline; well next Friday night. That would be plenty of time anyway though. The longer I stayed here the longer I put everyone in danger.

"Alright, but can we not tell everyone and let it be a surprise?" I asked innocently. I didn't want Ethan telling everyone and then making him a liar. He smiled brightly and nodded.

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