Chapter 7: March 25th (Ethan POV)

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I am so sorry!!! The last chapter was so freaking long! Gracious. That will be the longest chapter in this story I promise! Thank you to all those who read through and persevered!

-Constance A


Ethan's POV:

"And the Red Wolf ripped the Alpha's throat right out! Legend has it that the Red Wolf still haunts around looking for it's next prey!" David, a little boy of about twelve, finished. Many of the children had gathered around the bonfire and were now telling ghost stories. They all stared at him with wide eyes. The most popular muse was the Red Wolf. I doubted the story was true but it had a very interesting and mysterious origin. I didn't believe because it was nearly impossible for mere wolf to take down an Alpha. However, the Red Wood Pack had dissolved after the Alpha had abruptly and perplexingly dropped dead. From personal experience I know that the former pack members of Red Wood liked to keep their mouth shut on the matter. When the Silverman's had first entered the pack I had questioned them about it. They didn't reveal much saying they knew about as much as everyone else did. I knew they were lying. Mr. Silverman had rubbed the back of his neck and looked away from me when he told me while Mrs. Silverman's heart rate increased rapidly. I let the matter go though. I imagined they wanted to put it past them and I wasn't going to stand in the way of that. The information wasn't critical to the pack and I could deal with my own curiosity.

A dull pain invaded the right side of my abdomen. The feeling was joined by one of panic. I didn't know what I was panicking about. My wolf was growling in unrest. Struggling to find the cause of this I thought of every plausible idea. Then I realized. Was this my wolf's reaction her leaving? The idea made my heart ache. I looked over towards the dark forest line. Was she walking away from me right now? She must be. This was the only logical conclusion I could come up with for my pain. I steadied my distressed breathing.

But that was the deal I had made with myself.

This was a test in a way. If she stayed I knew us being mates meant something to her. I knew I meant something to her. If she left, like she was doing now, I would release her. I wouldn't force her to stay with me if she didn't want to.

My hand started to shake. I was bothered, highly bothered. What would I do without her in my life? She was my mate and I loved her. I resisted the overwhelming urge bubbling up in my stomach. I wouldn't. My would began to growl angrily with me. This was a new occurrence. He had never been angry with me. Annoyed maybe but never angry enough to growl at me. I closed my eyes in an effort to keep control. The pain had grown sharper. It was still dull but the feeling was more prominent.

"Are you ok Eath?" Thomas asked beside me. He had noticed the strained look on my face.

That's it.

I couldn't take it any longer. Without answering I made a bee line for the forest. I couldn't live without her. I knew I was breaking my promise. But I couldn't stand the thought of living the rest of my life without her. I would make her fall in love with me. I wouldn't give up until she loved me just as much as I loved her. I sniffed the air for her scent and found it almost immediately. I was taken aback in surprise however as I noticed the smell of blood accompanied with it. Something was wrong! My wolf growled again. Not at me this time though. His over protective side was preparing for war. I was with him.

I sniffed the air again to discover eleven new scents. Three I recognized as Gregory, Katie and Tyler. My spirit darkened as I realized the stench of blood followed their scents too. The rest I did not identify. I stealthily made my way closer to where my mate probably lay wounded. She was dead. The pain would have been much worse if she had. I thanked the Lord that she wasn't that far gone.

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