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"How do you feel?" Ethan asked. We were in our room in our house. I was sitting on the bed under the covers.

"Like a whale, you?" I asked smiling. I was six months pregnant. I was due any day now. It was extremely difficult for me to move around so I had been staying in bed for the past three days. It was growing tiring.

Ethan grinned at me before coming over and sitting beside me. He put a hand over my swollen belly. "Terrific." I kissed him. It had been three years since when everything began. A few months after our first kiss, Ethan and I had fully mated and become one. It was wonderful. That didn't mean our life came without difficulties. Men like Raver still come around looking for the "Red Wolf." Ethan always makes sure they never stay around too long however. Some are more difficult than others but we always come through it in one piece in the end.

About two years ago I opened back up the connection with my crimson wolf. In the time since my father's death I have come to terms with it. The elder of the pack, old man Jamison had helped me come to terms with it. He had told me that I had actually done my father a favor. When I saw it from is perspective it all made sense and I felt better about the subject. I am not over the matter but I know I don't let it rule my life anymore.

My life isn't perfect but it is steady. Ethan has made it so. We have come to depend on each other. And I know that as long as we are together we can get through anything.

The End.


It's over! Done. Thank you for bearing with me through the really long chapters. I know some of you might think it is rushed, I myself think it is a little too, but this wasn't meant to be a long book and sometimes life just happens like that. Anyways. Please give me your opinion on it! I'd love to hear from y'all!

If y'all like wolf stories, which you obviously do, then check out my new wolf story called "Waiting for Her." That story will be a longer read than this one. I hope y'all check it out!

-Constance A.

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