Chapter 23

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Zayn's P.O.V.

"Can we take a break? Please." I beg Liam, who is walking about five feet in front of me.

He turns around, looking down at me with a grin on his face. "You can do it Z. We just have to climb up this hill and we'll reach our destination."

I run a hand through my sweaty hair and stop walking. "No I can't. I'm not in as good of shape as you." I remind him. We've been moving around non stop for hours, playing in the waves and having fun.

He pouts and tilts his head, like a puppy. "Only a bit farther." He promises.

I shake my head and collapse to the floor, dramatically. The cool sand feels really good on my warm back.

I close my eyes and take in all the sounds of nature around me. It's quite calming. There's birds chirping, leaves rustling, the sounds of the waves lapping at shore is a bit more distant.

My brain is completely distracted by these sounds and I completely forget that Liam is here with me, until I feel a hand on my head, messing up my hair.

My eyes shoot open, immediately focusing on Liam who is crouching by my head. My eyes narrow to glare at him and he chuckles, innocently.

"Why the hell would you do that?" I sigh.

He smirks. "Cuz you're cute when you're angry." He says and messes with my hair once again.

I frown. "I'm not cute when I'm angry." I argue. "Don't touch my fucking hair."

He continues smirking, and messes with my hair once again. That's it. I'll show him how scary I can be.

I sit up, kneeling in front of the crouching Liam. The stupid smirk is wiped off his face when I tackle him to the ground, in one swift movement.

He lets out a small grunt as his back hits the soft sand and I immediate pin his arms above his head. My legs are holding down his legs in a way that'd make it impossible for him to get free.

His dark eyes are watching me slowly, studying my every move. It's turning me on to be quite honest.

I surprise myself by leaning down and sucking on the skin right below his ear. He shivers in delight, causing me to smirk in satisfaction. My lips work their way up his neck, until I'm hovering over his ear.

"Don't ever mess my hair up." I whisper.

His reaction is definitely not one that I was expecting.

He bursts out laughing.

I frown and pull away slightly to look at his face. He shakes his head, calming himself down a bit.

"That's cute, princess." He teases.

I frown. "I'm not your fucking princess and that wasn't cute, it was intimidating and...and-"

"That wasn't intimidating babe. Yea, it was pretty hot...but not intimidating." He grins widely and my cheeks burn in embarrassment. I don't let the angry scowl drop from my face though. "You seem to forget that I'm much stronger than you."

I roll my eyes. "Whatever."

He smirks and before I realize what's happening, he flips us over and I'm now pinned underneath his strong body.

I groan and avoid his eyes, clearly embarrassed. He's just been playing along this whole time. I can't intimidate the bigger guy.

"Fuck you." I groan. "Maybe you should find yourself a different guy. Someone who can intimidate you and someone who's confident in their sexuality. Maybe this isn't a good idea." I say and begin to try and wiggle out of his tight grip on me.

"Zayn..." I hear him say above me. I dare to look at his face and I'm surprised to see the confident smirk replaced with sad eyes. "I think this is a good idea."

I roll my eyes, tears threatening to spill over. I don't know why I'm so upset over this. It's stupid. This whole situation is stupid and clearly against everything I was ever taught by my family, and community really.

"Can you take me back to the dorms please?" I ask, my voice shaking.

"Wait Zayn." He mumbles. "I can take you back but you just have to tell me one thing."

"Whatever." I say, letting my head relax back on the sand. My eyes are skipping around everywhere, doing everything to avoid his hard eyes.

"Let's just say that we go back to the dorms and I never talk to you again. We never kiss again, we anything else. You just go back to being straight Zayn." He says.

I'm confused as to where this is going but my heart aches at the thought of never tasting his lips again or never staying up late with him, talking about whatever.

"Would you be okay with that?" He whispers.

My eyes somehow disobey me and connect with his again. I take a deep breath and furrow my eyebrows.

"Yes." I say, confidently. Of course I'm lying. But I can't just go against everything I've ever been taught. I can't go against my family, disrespecting them because of one boy. One very attractive and misunderstood boy.

His smile falters, yet he doesn't give up. "I think you're lying, Zayn. You're lying to the both of us." He says, his eyes begging me to say the right thing.

I don't say anything and he sighs. "Okay fine. I respect you. Just tell me that I mean nothing to you and I'll leave you alone forever. It's not fair to keep leading me on like this."

Now I know he's trying to guilt me into admitting that I need him. And it's working.

"I-I just..." I sigh, not knowing what say. He raises his eyebrow at me, not knowing what to say. "Okay fine. I need you to be a part of my life. Please don't use this against me."

He shakes his head, a smile spreading on his face. "Feelings mutual."

Again, I'm no good with words. Instead, I grab his face and slam his lips onto mine.

I feel the familiar spark of emotions going off inside of me, my stomach filled with butterflies of all kind. I feel his plump lips smile against mine.

His large hands move from their grip on my wrists, to my chest. They slowly move up towards my hair and I know exactly where he's going. I can't help but laugh against his lips and he pulls away, a grin on his face.

"Can I please mess up your hair, Z?" He asks, a cheeky grin on his flushed face.

"You can mess up my hair, Li." I say, desperate to have his lips on mine again. I'm happy when he dips his head back down and kisses me again.

I feel his rough, yet somehow gentle, hands tangle in my hair. I smile again and he tugs slightly.

Far too soon, he pulls away and rests his forehead against mine. "For the hundredth time, please stop pushing me away. It's exhausting." He jokes and collapses on top of me.

I groan as his big body covers mine. "I'm done pushing you away, Li. I have to face my life head on. No more beating around the bush." I promise him and snuggle my face into the crook on his neck.

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