Chapter 24

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Zayn's P.O.V.

The next day, I get home from class before the others. My aching, exhausted body is begging for me to take a nap. I stayed up way too late last night, studying and Skyping my sisters.

It was nice to see their familiar faces. They told me their stupid jokes and told me about school, making me feel like I'm back home with them. It made me a bit home sick but it was worth it.

I didn't tell them anything about the weird relationship situation that Liam and I have going on, obviously, but I told them that I'm really happy here and I'm keeping up with my school work.

Apparently, my father might be able to come visit in a couple weeks which is very good news. I can't wait to show him what I've been able to achieve so far and make him proud, hopefully. I also made a mental note to get a job before he comes.

Sadly, I know that I can't sleep and that I have to be a responsible student. I have work to do. My essay is due in two days and I don't even have one rough draft finished.

I turn on the tv, not caring what channel it's on. I just need a distraction while I work so it doesn't seem so lonely in here.

I get everything organized on the kitchen table and open the document on my laptop. I just have to finish up the final paragraph and then I can begin editing.

Just as I begin typing, there's a sharp knock heard at the door.

I frown and get up, not sure who'd be at the door at a time like this. The only people I could think of is Harry or Louis but they're both in class.

It might be security or some maintenance person but I can't think of any reason why they would be necessary.

While walking to the door, I run a hand through my hair, attempting to fix it. I didn't bother to do anything with it today before class.

I swing open the door to reveal an attractive man with wavy hair and intimidating eyes.

I swing open the door to reveal an attractive man with wavy hair and intimidating eyes

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"Uh hello?" I raise my eyebrow at the man who I don't recognize. He flips his hair out of his eyes, which only makes him look more intimidating.

"Hey I'm Zephyr, is Liam around? I'm his boyfriend." The man says, his voice surprisingly deep. I notice that he's American by his accent.

"His...boyfriend?" I say and suddenly forget how to breath. It's ironic how quiet it is yet the sound of my heart breaking into millions of pieces, just now, is inaudible.

"Yea...he didn't mention me?" He chuckles, scratching the back of his neck.

"Uh no, not really. Come in, I'm sure he'll be back soon. He's at class." I say and realize my hands are shaking.

"Thanks man. I didn't catch your name?" He says.

"It's Zayn. Do you go to school here? Or are you here just to visit Liam? " I ask as he makes his way to the couch.

"Nah I'm a model. It makes me a fair amount of money, not to brag. It's a stable job so I don't feel the need to get a degree." He chuckles. Of course he's a fucking model. And rich. I can see why Liam would choose him. "I haven't seen him in a while so I was hoping to take him out tonight." Zephyr says while scratching at his dark facial hair with his hand.

My sadness and confusion is quickly turning into anger as realization hit me. Liam has had a boyfriend this whole time? Everything he said to me, when he kissed head begins spinning so I sit back down by my laptop, where my essay is open.

I blame myself for this really. I'm bloody stupid. He sleeps around with people all the time, why would I believe that he'd change for me? I'm just another guy he wants to get into the bed.

I'm not sure why I'm so surprised. I guess it's because he's a really good actor and he truly had me falling for him.

I know one thing for sure. I am not going to be here when Liam comes home. I need time to cool down because I am so pissed off and hurt...if I were to confront Liam right now, I might kill the guy.

I grab my laptop and all my notes, along with my phone. As I'm slipping my shoes on, I turn to Zephyr, who has his eyes fixed on the tv.

"I gotta run, I trust you to not do anything stupid. Just uh...yea there's leftover pizza in the fridge if you want it." I say. I'm not sure if he caught my voice cracking on the last word or if he heard my pathetic sniffles as I ran out the front door, but I'm out.

I don't know where to go but I'm about to burst into tears and I'd rather not have the whole school see me in my weak state.

I hit the down button for the elevator and pace impatiently while waiting for it to open. What feels like 20 minutes later, a ding is heard and the doors pull apart. I'm looking down at my feet, which is a pretty stupid idea. I realize this when I run into someone's chest.

"Sorry." I mumble and get into the small elevator.

"Zayn? Why you crying babe?" I frown as I hear the last voice that I want to hear at this moment. Liam.

"Fuck you." I hiss through clenched teeth as I dodge past him, running towards the stairs.

"Zayn! Z! Where are you going?!" He screams after me but I'm long gone.

I feel a random burst of adrenaline rush through my veins as I speed down the stairs and outside. The hot air hits me as I sprint down the sidewalk and onto a random field. I run blindly for about ten minutes until finally collapsing next to some tree.

I have no idea where I am or how to get back but I don't care. Running is a good way to let off some steam and get my head thinking clearly again.

Yes, I may have been a bit over dramatic but I'm a sensitive guy. I thought Liam was different but now I know the truth. I will never trust him again.

The end.

Lmao jk jk it's not the end.

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