Chapter 57

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Zayn's P.O.V.

Nervous butterflies fill my stomach as I fix my dark hair in the small mirror in our bathroom. I can hear Liam rummaging through his stuff in the bedroom and he doesn't seem nervous at all. Lucky man.

Once I get my hair to the perfect angel, I slip on some shoes and I'm ready to head out.

Liam gives me a soft smile that makes my heart melt. "You look beautiful, babe." He whispers with nothing but love in his eyes.

I blush and roll my eyes. "You look better."

He chuckles and nudges me with his shoulder. "Tonight's gonna be a lot of fun. I can already tell."

I nod, smiling. "Anything is fun if you're there with me. Have you ever been to an event like this before?" I ask.

He holds the door open for me and we make our way to the lift. "I was in a club in school but all of us ended up being the targets for bullying so I quit after a couple weeks. It's a shame, I met some nice kids there."

I frown. "That's fucked up."

He nods and sighs. "Yes it is. That's why I'm excited for this opportunity to go help these kids who are in the same situation that I was in...a couple years ago."

We take a taxi to the library. It's only a ten minute walk but since it began raining, we didn't want to get all wet.

We pull up in front of the big building and Liam pays the driver. We run to the front door, the rain only seems to be getting worse. A lady at the front desk helps us find the room that we need to be in and before I know it, we're in the room with many pairs of eyes staring at us.

"Hello boys!" Says the man from the antique shop. "I was just telling the kids about our special guests and they're all very excited."

I give them a nervous smile as I look around. There's about ten teenagers sitting around a long table with antique shop man standing by a white board. I never learned his name.

"Go ahead and grab a name tag. You can sit in any chair you can find." He says.

Liam hands me a name tag and a pen. This name tag is different than any I've ever seen before. There's a space for name, a space for preferred pronouns, and a space for sexuality.

I glance at Liam's, noticing that he's almost done. Liam, he him his, gay.

Looks easy enough.

Zayn, he him

It's a weird thing to think about but the energy of this room gives me confidence in myself, in a weird way.

I stick the name tag to my shirt and turn around. I take a seat next to Liam who's already in full conversation with a girl. She has really long, pretty hair.

Sarah, they them their, straight.

"This is my boyfriend, Zayn." He says, reaching for my hand. "We've been together for a couple months."

I smile when I notice that all the other kids are looking at us now. Liam rubs the back of my hand with his thumb and I'm glad to see that none of them are judging us.

The meeting starts a couple minutes later and antique shop man begins talking. I learn that his name is Matthew.

He begins talking about bathrooms and how everyone should be aloud to use the bathroom they're comfortable with. It really opened my eyes to so many more problems in the LGBT community that I didn't even realize were problems.

"We have about 20 minutes left in the meeting so...Liam and Zayn would you like to come up here and talk about your story and answer any questions?" Matthew says, snapping me out of my thoughts.

"Of course." Liam agrees immediately and grabs my hand. He practically drags me to the front.

"Okay hello everyone! As you probably know...I'm Liam and this is my beautiful boyfriend Zayn." He says, smiling. I blush and the children's eyes light up. They seem very interested.

"We're both in college right California. But we're home now for the summer, I'm from Wolverhampton."

He nudges me and I realize it's my turn to speak. "Right uh...I'm from Bradford. We met in Cali."

"My aunt lives in Bradford!" A little boy with sandy hair and freckles says from the back. "She's bloody insane. Just last week, she threw her cat int-"

"Alex! Please don't interrupt." Matthew says. Alex pouts, causing me to laugh.

"Yes so..." I clear my throat. "We can answer questions now?"

Immediately a couple of hands go up.

"Sarah?" Liam calls on a girl in the back. It's the one with the long hair that he was talking to before the meeting.

"You were telling me about how you felt that your family didn't accept you at first. Do they accept you now...or?" She asks.

He nods. "Yes I actually distanced myself from them for a while, which was stupid. But I came back home for a couple of days and worked some stuff out. They still love me, it's all good." He chuckles.

"So why are you in London? And not at home?" Alex yells from the back.

"Well...we just missed each other." I say, not wanting to get into all the dramatic details of our situations. "We're going back home in a couple of days." I lie.

I don't really know what's happening from here.

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