Chapter 43

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Zayn's P.O.V.
*a couple days later*

"You know...I've only showed up to about five of my classes this semester." Niall says, giggling.

I roll my eyes. "Great job Nialler. Way to be a good student."

It's almost four am but I'm up studying for finals and helping Niall out. The boy has no idea what he's doing and I feel a bit bad for his parents who spent a lot of money to get him here so I'm trying my best to tutor him. He's very good at distracting me though.

"Did you and Liam have sex often?" He asks, randomly as I'm reading over his essay.

We're laying, spread out on the big couch. Although the the couch is big, we're both quite big. We're laying on opposite sides but our legs are tangled together. The asshole keeps kicking me.

I raise my eyebrow, looking over at the curios blonde. "Maybe. Why does it matter?"

He shrugs. "It doesn't. I just can't imagine how it'd work. Mind if I watch one time?"

I burst out laughing. "No you cannot watch our most intimate moments, Niall."

He pouts. "But how does it work? Do you put your dic-"

"Let's focus on the essay." I interrupt him, my cheeks burning. This is a bit weird to talk about.

"So you've slept with him b-"

"Niall! Do you want help or not?" I whine, desperate to get away from the subject. Niall has no shame.

He shifts his whole body and lays his blonde head on my lap, looking up at me. "Okay sorry. Continue." He giggles.

I sigh and continue reading. His paper is terrible actually. So many grammar mistakes, it's making me cringe.

"How long did you spend on this?" I ask. "Like an hour?"

He shrugs. "Maybe four or five."


"Four or five minutes." He grins. It's as if he's proud of his failure.

"To be fair...this is pretty good for something you typed up in four or five minutes." I say and leaf through the pages again. "But it's terrible in general."

We both freeze when we hear the door squeak, signaling that Liam is up. He's supposed to be sleeping, he has class at 8 am.

My heart begins racing, just knowing that my Liam is coming closer. I hear his feet shuffling and soon enough, he's standing in the doorway.

He's got no shirt on and his hair is a mess. He's rubbing his eyes and he looks like the cutest little puppy.

"Why're you up babe?" I ask him.

He doesn't say anything but instead he shuffles over and pushes Niall off my lap. He falls to the ground with a squeal.

I bend down to see if the little Irish man is okay but Liam scoops me up in his arms and throws me over his shoulder. He still hasn't said a word.

Niall grumbles profanities as he picks himself off the ground and plops back down on the couch.

"Just redo it all!" I manage to say quickly before I'm pulled into Liam's room and the door is shut.

I pepper little kisses on Liam's neck and he sets me down on the ground.  I look up at his dark eyes which are staring back at me.

"Is there a reason why you interrupted my studying with Niall?" I ask.

"I'm sad." Liam says, simply.

I frown. "What's wrong?"

"I...I miss my family." He sighs and rubs his eyes again. "I know, it's lame."

I shake my head. "That's not lame, Li. That's perfectly normal. You've been away from home for a long time."

He half smiles at me and lays down on his bed. "You're my home, Z. Come cuddle?"

I don't hesitate before pulling off my shirt and pants, leaving me just in my boxers. I hop into the warm bed, right next to him, and pull the covers tightly around us.

I lay my head on his warm chest and he wraps his arms around me tightly. "I've kind of been ignoring their calls and texts. For like...half a year now."

I sigh. "Why'd you do that?"

He presses a quick kiss to my forehead. "I-I family is religious and...they accept me for who I am and all that but I feel like ever since I came out, they've treated me differently."

I frown and intertwine our hands.

"I know I shouldn't be complaining to you, your family wanted to send you off to get you fixed from the gay disease." He says and I laugh. "But before I came out, there was no doubt in my mind that my parents loved my sisters and I equally. sisters are still worshipped and spoiled but I'm left behind."

"So you just haven't talked to them to avoid getting hurt?" I ask.

He nods. "I know, it's a bit stupid. I know they still love me but I just keep pushing them away."

"Call them." I say. "It's like with my sister. I was sad and confused until I called her. You have no idea how nice it was to hear her voice again. It reminded me of home."

He leans down and pecks my lips. "But I'm already home."

I raise my eyebrow and cuddle my face into his neck.

"My home is in your arms. This is where I belong." He giggles and kisses my lips again.

"As sweet as that is...I really think you should just call them." I say, nudging my nose into his.

"Okay princess. I'll do it tomorrow. Let's just go to sleep now." He says. "I love you."

"I love you more."

Tysm for all the votes and comments❤️. Should I just keep this story going? Or do you think I should end it within the next few chapters and start a new one?

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