Chapter 26

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Zayn's P.O.V.

"I need to see him! I need to see that he's okay!" I'm woken up to loud voices coming from the next room.

It takes me a few seconds to figure out where I am, and why my heart feels so heavy. Once all the memories from yesterday begin flooding in, I wish I never woke up.

"He's fine Liam! You need to leave. Seeing him is just going to make things worse for you." I hear Louis saying.

Liam must've somehow figured out where I went last night.

"Please! Can you just ask him if he can come out here?" Liam begs and my heart hurts at the sound of his voice.

"Shut the hell up! You're gonna wake him up. It's four in the morning, go away." Harry scolds him and I hear a door slam.

I'm relieved, thinking that he's gone. My moment of piece is quickly ruined when I hear an annoying buzzing sound coming from my phone.

41 text messages and 27 missed phone calls from Liam.

I roll my eyes, putting my phone on silent. I roll back over and cover my face with a pillow.

Why does he have to be so irresistible? Just the sound of his voice made me want to jump back into his arms. Imagine what would happen if he were to come in here at this moment.

I'd give him a good punch or two but for some reason, I still want to kiss him. I still want to hug him and I still want him to braid my hair. What the hell is wrong with me?

For the next hour, I try to fall back asleep. I realize it's impossible because my mind keeps racing. After rolling around and trying out every position possible, I give up and decide to get out of the warm bed.

I grab my phone and walk out of the room, a determined look on my face. I am going back to my dorm but I am going to ignore Liam. Forever. Sure, it'll be hard at first but he deserves it. And this way he can't hurt me again.

Sure, I'm not thinking straight at the moment. But in my exhausted state of mind, this all makes perfect sense.

I leave a note on the counter, thanking them for everything, once again. I slip on my shoes and run a hand through my messy hair once before leaving.

I step out, determined and my bitch mode is fully activated. That all is ruined as my foot gets stuck on something and I trip, falling to the ground.

God dammit. I can't even take one step without messing up.

When I stand up, I realize that I didn't trip over a piece of lose carpet or part of the door frame. I tripped over a human. A very pretty human. A Liam human. And that Liam human is slowly waking up.

Did the idiot really sleep out here, waiting for me to come out?

The cute gesture makes me feel warm and tingly inside until I remember why he did it. He's a lying and cheating snake.

His eyes slowly flutter open and he immediately looks at me. "Zayn..." He whispers.

I raise my eyebrows, waiting for him to say anything. He doesn't, and right as I open my mouth to say something, I remind myself that I'm supposed to be ignoring him.

I clamp my mouth shut and turn on my heel, walking down the hall. I hear shuffling behind me, and soon enough, Liam is by my side. I try to ignore the way that his hair is messed up or his puffy eyes from not getting enough sleep.

"Zayn please let me explain." He whines, reaching for my arm to stop me from walking. Before he can touch me, I move away from him. He pulls his hand away and sighs. "It's not what it looks like. Zayn please!" He begs.

I roll my eyes and let my loose hair fall over my face, as if trying to hide myself from his intimidating eyes which are searing holes into the side of my head.

I turn the corner, walking faster, but he doesn't get the hint. He keeps up with my fast pace and just keeps on talking.

"Yes, Zephyr was my boyfriend. My first boyfriend and-I'm not going to get into it right now. The point is that we're not together anymore! It was a big misunderstanding a-"

I scoff and walk out through the front doors. I'm confused as to why I don't see him next to me anymore, but I'm not going to turn around to look for him because that would show him that I care. Which I do. And it would also go against the whole ignoring thing.

When I get back to our building, I take a look behind my shoulder and I'm relieved to see Liam. I was starting to think he ran away or something stupid like that.

He's walking with his hands in his pockets, head hung low, and feet shuffling slowly down the sidewalk. He looks really, really cute. Like a sad puppy.

I hate myself for feeling bad for him. This is not my fault, and I have to constantly remind myself that I can't just go hug him.

Why does he have such a big affect on me? It's like I'm obsessed with him. Maybe love? But that couldn't be possible...right?

A/N: 1K reads! Thank you so much, ily all!)

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