Chapter 28

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Zayn's P.O.V.

After about ten minutes of trying to calm Liam down enough so he could talk normally, he begins to tell me why he is he way that he is.

"As you know, I'm quite lonely. So I try to cover that problem with sleeping you probably know as well." He says and sighs, running a hand through his short hair.

I rub his back and he lays his head on my shoulder. I'm still annoyed with him but I decide not to scoot away, seeing as he clearly needs me right now.

"Uh I'm not gonna get into the details, but I met Zephyr and we started dating. This was almost a year ago, by the way. It wasn't anything too serious and he eventually left to move closer to his family up in New York." I hear him say but I'm a bit distracted by the way that he's playing with my hair. "When we said goodbye, I assumed that we were no longer together. He obviously thought otherwise."

"Did you not talk at all while he was in New York?" I ask, turning my head so my hair slips out of his grip. It's distracting me from being annoyed at him while trying to help him all at once. I'm a mess.

He pouts. "Well yea we did but it was just small talk and...I don't know. It was just poor communication. Anyways, he came to visit me, assuming that we're still together." He says. "If it makes you feel any better, he came here to break up with me. He found some other guy."

I furrow my eyebrows, feeling stupid for acting the way I did. I should've just came and talked to him. "Oh I'm sorry."

He shakes his head while laying it back on my shoulder. "Don't be. I'm over him." He promises.

"And that's why you were crying?" I ask.

He shakes his head again. "No I just feel like shit cuz I feel like I'm losing the only person that I really care about. Except for Niall. I care about Niall too." He says and takes a shaky breath. I feel his warm breath come in contact with my cool skin, causing me to shiver.

"You're not losing me Li." I whisper after a while.

I feel his two arms wrap around my waist and he cuddles into my side. "Really?"

I'm surprised at how thick his voice is with insecurity.

"I thought I was gonna lose you, honestly. I thought you'd forget about me and would leave to be with him instead." I tell him, my voice shaking at the memory of how sad and heartbroken I felt last night. It feels so good to lay in his arms again.

"Zayn I'd never do that and I mean it. 100%. I'm here to stay." He promises. "When I got off that elevator and saw your eyes clouded with hurt my heart so bad. I never want you to be sad again."

I feel butterflies attacking my stomach because of his gentle, kind words.

"So...what exactly are we?" I ask.

He shifts to look into my eyes. My breath gets caught in my throat when I see his sparkly, yet dark eyes look at me. He has the eyes of an angel.

"I'd love for you to be my boyfriend, if you want. I'll take real good care of your Zayn. Promise." He whispers, peppering little kisses down my jawline, making me feel lightheaded.

I open and close my mouth, not knowing what to say. "Well Liam, I'll be your boyfriend if you'll be mine?" I finally manage to say.

He pulls up so he can see my whole face clearly and I can see his. A wide smile is spreading on his tanned face. It's highly contagious and I can feel myself mimicking his actions.

Although my eyes don't crinkle like his and my lips don't curve the same way as his beautiful ones do.

It's funny how a smile can look so completely different on everyone's faces, even though it's the same action.

"Well then it's settled. You're my new pet boyfriend." He says, smirking.

I roll my eyes, jokingly. "Okay never mind I'm out."

He pouts and kisses my cheek. "Okay okay sorry. I'm just really happy. Cuz you're officially not straight anymore."

I sign and pat his hand which is hung loosely around my waist. "I don't think I ever was completely straight, to be honest."

He smiles even wider, if that's possible, and leans over to peck my lips. "Good." He mumbled before connecting our lips for real.

The next ten minutes are filled with silence, other than the sound of our lips hungrily kissing each other.

Yea, I'm happy.

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