Chapter Four: Violins and Shops

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The phantom sat at his desk, trying to write a new piece. He was stuck he had no inspiration. He then heard the soft hum of a violin. He got up from his chair and followed the sweet sound. It was coming from his bedroom. He pulled back the curtains to see Annabeth sitting there, playing his violin.

"What are you doing?" He questioned, making her jump. She turned, smiling sheepishly.

"Oh, I'm sorry monsieur." She placed the violin on the bed gently. "I just couldn't resist. It's such a beautiful violin." She tucked a strand of her hair behind her ear. "My apologies it probably sounded terrible." He sat beside her, moving the violin out of his way.

"You sounded wonderful, where have you learned to play?" He asked, curious.

"I taught myself." She smiled softly. "Well, my father would pick the music he wanted me to learn. Though sometimes, as a treat, he'd let me pick one. I learned all by ear."

"What's the name of that piece you were just playing?" He was amazed by her talent.

"I'm not sure, my father dabbled in music writing. Some days he would just scribble notes down on music sheets." She straightened up as if she just remembered something. "Speaking of which, you're very low, since I am the one who's used most of it-."

"Wait you used most of my sheet music?" He interrupted her. "What did you use it for?"

"Um, this..." She pulled up six paper flowers made of blank sheet music. "I got bored one day while you were composing so I made these." She tucked on behind her ear, even though it was practically absorbed by her hair. He quickly fished it out to inspect it.

"Well, I'm glad you didn't use any of the sheets with writing on them." As he looked at the flower he realized that each flower she made was a different type. He was holding a rose, but the others included a lily, daisy, lotus, cherry blossom, and an orchid.

"I didn't know if you were done with certain pages, so I used the blank ones." She blushed as he tried to tuck the flower back behind her ear. "I'll got out and get you some with anything else you need." She smiled kindly at him.

"I can't ask you to do that." He blushed.

"I am your guest, I should at least help." She stood up, most of that were originally in her lap, fell or caught on her dress. "After all, you have been so kind to me." She gushed. "Making sure my wounds healed, treating me to food and even getting me a new dress and cloak." She twirled in her purple gown, the skirt resembling something like an umbrella. She then put on her cloak and tied it.

He stiffened at the word "guest". It was as if she didn't plan on staying for much longer. This made him upset, because he just started to get used to her company. He rather enjoyed it, more than he cared to admit.

"Just be careful." He fixed her hood and placed it over her head of beautiful golden curls.

"Don't worry monsieur, I won't be long." She smoothed out her skirt. "I promise."

"Will you please stop calling me monsieur? It makes me feel old." He smiled at the fact he was able to make her laugh. He always felt different around Annabeth. She brought out the tinge of good that was left in his cold, corrupted soul.

"Oh, I'm sorry, what do you wish me to call you then?" She placed a piece of her hair behind her ear.

"Erik." He seemed hurt to say it. She nodded and smiled softly under her hood. He walked to his desk and wrote down a few other things he needed, giving her some money to pay for the groceries.

"Alright then, I won't be long." She gave his cheek a quick peck and ran off into the tunnels to go to the market. Erik felt a soft blush cross his cheeks.

"Just admit it you like her!" The voice in his head yelled at him.

"I do not! And even if I did, which I most certainly do not, she could never love a repulsive gargoyle like myself." He hit his head to make the voice stop. He then laid in his bed and soon fell asleep to the soft clink of golden symbols.

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