Chapter Five: The market.

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Annabeth skipped down the sidewalk towards the market, holding a basket. Her cloak flowing as she walked. She looked at the list of things he wanted her to get. Some food to make later for dinner, fruit to snack on throughout the day, wine, wax, and of course music sheets. It seemed like Erik had something planed or he just liked quality wine. She paid for all the stuff and began to walk back to the opera house. She took a short cut, passing a pub, which then again probably wasn't a good idea. Once she thought she was safe she decreased her speed to a soft walk. A hand grabbed her shoulder and turned her around.

"Annabeth where in the world have you been? I missed you darling." It was Christopher, he was drunk, again. She almost gagged right there, the smell of alcohol was too much.

"Christopher, you're drunk." She tried to get away. He tried to hug her, but she pushed him away.

"I thought I lost you." He kissed her, causing her to spit in his mouth. She pushed him away and tried to run, but he grabbed her arm. "Where do you think you're going?!" He pulled her toward him though she fought against him.

"I found someone else Christopher, let me go!" She looked around. "Help! Someone help!" someone took Christopher's shoulder and spun him around, causing Annabeth to fall.

"If you were a true gentleman, you would do what the lady asked." It was Erik.

Had he really heard her or had he been following her? Either way she was grateful. One thing that she was curious about though was why wasn't he wearing his mask?

"What are you?" Christopher asked, struggling with Erik.

"Your worst nightmare." He said and with one powerful shove, Christopher was down. "You leave her alone, she wants nothing to do with your repulsive self." He kicked him in the stomach. Annabeth looked up at him, fear in her eyes. He reached his hand to her and she took it. They ran before anyone noticed what happened. Soon getting back to the opera house they both called home now. Avoiding the attention of the people who occupied it during the day.

"Thank you for saving me... Again." She blushed when she realized they were holding hands for what seemed like forever blocks. He nodded, trying to regain his breath. She giggled when he puffed his cheeks, hoping that would help lower his heart rate.

"You're quite welcome." He smiled, making her giggle again. She hugged him tightly, he winced when she hugged him. She backed away slightly, she saw blood on her arm. Startled, she screamed at the sight of the blood. He grabbed her shoulder for balance, Christopher must have cut him while they fought.

"I never meant for you to get hurt." She whispered. He shook his head as if saying it wasn't her fault. He laid on the floor. "I can help you, but you have to do a few things first."

She instructed him, he had to take his shirt off and lay perfectly still. She scurried around for a needle and thread. She finally found one, she kneeled beside him. She feed the thread through the needle.

"Ready?" He bit his lip and gave a nod. She didn't have anything to ease the pain, so she'd have to do it with him awake.

She winced as she started to stitch his deep cut. It was in fact an ugly wound, but it wasn't something that would heel automatically. He tried to be brave for her bit every so often he'd let out a growl. When she finished she put soap and water on it clean it up a bit. He winced again.

"This will hurt, just a little." It must have stung him.

"Damn you, you lying Delilah!" He snapped at her, she didn't seem affected by it. Though she jumped at his sudden outburst. She finished finally and helped him sit up.

"Easy, careful, you don't want to ruin the stitches." She warned, not mentioning the fact he called her a lying Delilah. He was so astounded that whatever he did to her, didn't bother her.

"Why are you being kind to me? I have been everything but kind." he asked as she walked over to rinse the bowl she used.

"I know you don't really mean it." She used a rag to clean up the dried blood around the fresh stiches. His face fell, how could someone as kind as her, want to be around someone like him.

"Doesn't make it right. Why do you put up with it?" He asked, his voice was soft. She moved her hair over her shoulder to keep it out of her face.

"Where else am I going to go?" She explained. "My family wasn't exactly wealthy, so they arranged for me to marry Christopher." She sighed. "You can see how well that went." It was obvious that she was trying very hard to hold back tears. Erik placed his hand on her shoulder.

"I'm sorry." He said softly, making her softly smiled.

"I really shouldn't be complaining to you about this." She laughed humorlessly. "I'm sure you've been through a lot worse." She sighed.

She sat on his music bench that sat in front of his organ, looking down at him. His eyes held so much sorrow. They just held each other's gaze for a couple of minutes. Though when Annabeth went to turn, he stopped her. He tilted her head and his as well, leaning in, his lips gently grazed hers. Her breath hitched.

"Erik... No..." She didn't finish her sentence because he hushed her.

"Hush, Annabeth. I wish to try something." He said soothingly.

"Erik don't do something you'll probably regret later." Annabeth tried to reason with him. Annabeth shook him. He shook his head he must have zoned out. "Are you alright Erik?" She asked, concerned.

"I'm alright, I'm sorry, you were saying?" He blinked a few times.

"I warned you not to pop your stitches when you try to get up." She smiled.

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