Chapter Ten: The Perfect Dress

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Annabeth sat on her bed putting on her earrings. She had no clue what in the world just happened, she just brushed it off. It was probably just her imagination, she admitted it she did miss Erik's company, but that was it nothing more nothing less. He must have had his reasons for sending her away. She told herself that repeatedly.

There was a knock on the door.

"C- come in." Her voiced cracked. Christopher walked in with her cloak in hand. He froze when he saw her in her golden handmade dress, to say she looked beautiful was an understatement.

"Are you alright, dear?" He asked somewhat comfortingly. "You look pale." Annabeth struggled for words.

"Y-yes, I'm alright, just a bit chilly." She shivered. He wrapped the cloak around her shoulders.

"Well my mother's here, she wishes to see you." He said guiding her out the door. She nodded, unaware of her surroundings, almost like her body was there but her mind was in another world. Christopher looked at her again with the same concerned look, he had changed so much in the past month, it scared her. "Are you sure you are alright?" He felt her for head.

"I said I'm alright." She hissed. He narrowed his eyes, but did not say a word. He helped her out the door and lead her down the stairs holding her hand. A woman stood there in a dark purple dress, the most beautiful dress Annabeth had ever scene. She slightly curtsied, the strawberry blonde-haired woman looked at her, as if she was scanning her, criticizing her.

"Bonjour madam, I'm An-." She began.

"I know who you are." Madam smith snapped. She looked over Annabeth again, shaking her head in disgust. "Too skinny, not good for baring sons." She met Christopher's glance; he didn't like having Annabeth criticized as much as Annabeth did.

"Excuse me?" Annabeth almost hissed. Madam smith looked back at her, a tinge of anger in her eyes. Normally it was this look of anger she would see in Christopher's eyes when we drank. It must be hereditary. The look melted after a few brief moments of silence.

"Oh well, we've better be going, we don't want to keep the designer waiting." Madam Smith said, hurrying Annabeth out the door. Christopher opened the door for them, kissing Annabeth's cheek as she walked out.

"Madam smith. You are fashionably late as always." A short man yelled as he ran to the front of the store. He must be the owner of the shop. He greeted madam smith with a kiss on both cheeks, he looked at Annabeth. "This must be our bride to be!" He cheered.

He was defiantly a little too chipper for this time of day. Annabeth nodded nervously. He smiled a wide toothed grin. "Don't worry darling, you've come to one of the best designers in all of Paris!" He was very modest too.

Annabeth slowly smiled as he took her into a little room closed off by a curtain. He handed her a dressing gown and turned his glance away while she changed. "Now stay here darling and I'll find a few dresses that will work beautifully." And with that he was gone. She started to hum to herself.

"Wishing you were somehow here again, knowing we must say goodbye. Try to forgive, teach me to live give me the strength to try. No more memories, no more silent tears. No more gazing across the wasted years Help me say good-"

She stopped when she heard footsteps come towards her. The man handed her three dresses, he helped her into the first one.

"That was a beautiful song you were singing, what was it called?" He asked as he tightly tied the corset.

"Thank you, but I don't-" He tightened the corset. "... Know, it just started playing in my head." He stepped back.

"Have a look." he smiled, opening the door so she could walk toward the mirror he held her train. She saw the dress it was nice, but she was not fond of the color, it was a very pale peppermint green. "What do you think?" he asked. She scanned the dress it was in fact a beautiful dress, but it was not the one.

"It Is beautiful." Was all she said, clearly not in favor of the dress.

"But not the one." He said as if reading her mind. She nodded. "Don't worry, there are plenty for you to choose from. Come now, let's go back and get you changed into a new one." He helped her turn around and walk to the little room she was in before.

He helped take off the dress and put her into a new one but when she but it on it was too loose and they did not have a smaller size. Oh well, she did not like it anyway. There was only one left, so it had to be the one. She had her fingers crossed and her eyes closed to hoping to build up anticipation. She heard the manager gasp.

"Honey, don't you dare open those eyes. Give me your arms and let me lead you to the mirror." He said, a smile present in his voice. Annabeth nodded, letting him lead her to the mirror. She heard the gasps of the other women as she walked by.

"May I open my eyes now?" She smiled almost like a child on Christmas morning.

After hearing various yes', she opened her eyes and was amazed by what she saw. This would be the dress she'd get married in, but had she made the right choice?

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