Chapter Nine: Life Goes On

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It had been about a month since she had seen him. She had no idea what he was trying to accomplish by sending her away. She felt something, she was not sure what it was, possibly guilt. She went to the one place she knew that would give her a place for her to live comfortably; it probably was not the exact definition of comfortable she wanted but she knew it was better than being alone. She ran to Christopher, yes that is right, and soon the two were to be wed. Annabeth played with the diamond ring on her finger as she laid in her bed. She heard the door open and quickly closed her eyes, pretending to be asleep.

"Good morning mademoiselle Collins." It was Maggie, her personal maid that Christopher had hired to basically take care of Annabeth. Her beautiful dark skin, seeming almost too perfect. She greeted Maggie with a kind smile.

"Good morning, Maggie. How many times must I tell you to call me Annabeth?" She said slightly strict, but only jesting. Maggie looked down at the floor, still not used to Annabeth's kindness yet sarcastic nature.

"Only once madem- Annabeth." She corrected herself, as Annabeth got out of bed. Maggie picked out a dress for her and handed it to Annabeth to change in. "Aren't you excited for today?" She smiled trying to make conversation. Annabeth changed behind a privacy screen, letting her nightgown fall the floor.

"What do you mean?" She asked as she pulled the dress over her slim, almost perfect body.

"Madam Smith is coming in today to help for your wedding dress." Maggie smiled excitedly. Neither of them heard the door open.

"Margret Tate you little viper! That was meant to be a surprise!" Christopher yelled, startling both women.

"Darling, I'm sure she didn't know it was meant to be kept secret." Annabeth scolded him. He scoffed. "Just leave her be."

"Mademoiselle Tate, I would like to have a moment alone with my fiancé, if you wouldn't mind." He sighed with annoyance.

"Of course, monsieur." She whispered as she hurried out of the room Annabeth caught a glimpse of a few tears running down her cheek. Annabeth tied the back of her dress tightly and walked over to him. She kissed his cheek, surprisingly he did not reek of alcohol. He moved so that he could hold her from behind.

"Did you have a pleasant sleep?" He asked kindly, seeming to be in a very good mood.

"Yes, very much thank you." She smiled as Christopher played with her hair.

"I'm sure it was more pleasant than sleeping on what that masked menace had you sleep on." He grumbled.

"Please don't talk about him dear. We don't want to spoil such a beautiful morning." She stroked his cheek with her thumb, trying to keep him in a pleasant mood.

"My mother won't be here to take you for the evening for a while, until then... Why don't we have a little fun of our own." He lightly bit her neck, Annabeth smiled uncomfortably.

"Christopher, darling." She softly whispered as he rubbed her shoulders.

"hmm?" He softly hummed as he kissed the space where her chin met her neck.

"I wish to give myself to you on our wedding night, then and only then. When the timing is right." She sighed, causing him to nod in understanding.

"Sounds perfect." He smiled, letting go of her. "Be ready in half an hour, I want you to look your best." He said leaving the room.

Annabeth sighed as looked at herself in the mirror next to her make up table. She ran her fingers through her hair, humming to herself. She walked to her door, but it was locked. She turned to realize all the candles that had lit up her room have been blown out.

"Wandering child so lost so helpless, too long you've wandered in winter, too long you've avoided my gaze. I see you're not weak, you are and always have been my angel, now I command you to speak!" A voice called to her.

"Erik?" Was all she could reply with.

No response, after a few minutes of silence the candles relit themselves and her door became unlocked.

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