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Two months later.

"She's taking me to court?! For what?!" I yelled.

Ever since Sabrina saw Sariyah holding Reign and she ran into Ammika, shit done got worse between us. We can't even hold a civilized conversation. I don't even care about our relationship no more.

Yesterday we had one of the worst arguments we ever had. I called her every name I could think of I didn't care.

And now I'm getting served with court papers! This is some bullshit!

I was at my moms house letting her look at these fucking papers.

"She wants full custody of Reign sweetie."

"This is some fucking bullshit! I'm a great father man! Just because we having issues that doesn't mean put our daughter in it. And this is the bitch I wanted so badly to get pregnant."

"Hey watch it now! Don't act all shocked about this Chris. You've been making some very dumb decisions lately. After the whole situation with Sariyah and Ammika she allowed you to keep her again and what did you do? You threw a fucking party while she was upstairs and the girl fell out of her bed. Sabrina could most definitely win this case."

"I can't let this happen. I just can't."

"Well what are you gonna do Chris?"

"I gotta talk to her. I gotta change her mind."

"You guys can't have a conversation without arguing."

"Well I gotta try something. Me and Sabrina don't have to deal with each other ever again but I'm not about to let her ruin my relationship with my baby girl." I could feel my eyes burning. "My kids are really all I have ma. I fucked up big time with Sabrina, not only have I lost her as my fiancé, I don't even have my best friend anymore. I can't lose nothing else."

"Well son you gotta fix this and I mean more that just sitting down talking. You gotta show her that you're willing to do what's right. I've heard you tell her plenty of times before that you would never cheat and that's exactly what you did so I'm sure your words mean nothing to her right now. Show her you're going to change. If you can show her that you're becoming who she needs you to be things could really change. Maybe even with your relationship."

"Something gotta give ma."

"Don't stress over it. It'll all be okay one day."

"I hope so."

"I'm gonna start dinner. Do you want me to invite Sabrina over?"

"Naw I'll do it."

"Okay." She got up and went into the kitchen.

I grabbed my phone. I was gonna call her but she probably wouldn't answer so I shot her a text.

Chris - You busy tonight?

I just sat there and waited on a smart ass reply.

Sabrina - No why?

Well that wasn't what I expected.

Chris - I got the court papers and I think we really need to talk. I can't let this happen Sabrina.

Sabrina - This all could've been avoided if you didn't do the crazy shit that you've done. I don't feel like my daughter is safe around you anymore.

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