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"Why isn't she in jail for fucking murder?" I yelled.

"You know her dad is the man in LA and he ain't even been there that long. You should've did a little research before you came up with this plan. Now somebody dead and she gone get away with it."

"She can't get away with it!"

"I think it's just best if you let this go. It's over. You tried."

"No it ain't over! I'm not letting this go."

"Let it go or you might end up in the same position as Crystal or hiding out like Zach."

"All the fucking money I wasted!" I slammed my fist into the desk.

"Well she is engaged to Chris Brown, her daddy a DA, she's pregnant. I know they'll give up the money if you put them in a dire situation."

"Hmmm." I thought about it for a minute. "Keep talking."

"Ransom, take her, or take a kid."

"That don't sound like a bad idea."

"Just give me the word, I'll make it happen."

"Make it happen then."


6 months later.

I stood in the kitchen watching Sabrina sing to Aden who was sitting on the counter drinking out his cup.

"Can't you see there's no other man above you, what wicked what to treat the girl that loves you. Hold up they don't love you like I love you." She sang

Her big belly just moved all over the place as she danced.

"Man go sit down somewhere."

She ran over to me.

"Heeeey, it's such a shame you let this good love go to waste." She bent over and started twerking while holding onto my waist. "I always keep that top tier 5 star back seat loving in the car like make that wood like make that wood holly like a Blvd."

Aden started laughing.

"This girl crazy ain't she A-Dawg?" I picked him up.

"I hop up out my bed and turn my swag on, I look in the mirror say wassup, wassup wassup wassup." She kept singing.

She went over to her phone and cut on Sorry and started dancing like Serena Williams. This girl crazy. She been so happy lately and I love seeing her like this. Once she was cleared of cancer I become more open to us having this baby and I'm kind of excited. And us finally getting married.

Tonight we were having a big family dinner at Nobu for her parents anniversary. They even invited Nia, I'm kind of nervous about this. Royalty would've been just fine without. Nia's and Sabrina's relationship is better. They talk from time to time. I guess Nia got nicer when everybody thought Sabrina was sick. Or once she finally realized that Sabrina not going no where and it's nothing she can do about it.

"Baby we gotta start getting ready for the dinner." Sabrina said.

I walked up to her and rubbed her stomach.

"Alright." I kissed her. "What can you eat at Nobu anyway?"

"Nothing but that ain't gone stop me from trying."

"You know I'm not about to let you eat none of that seafood."

"If it's cooked I can eat it."

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