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1 Month Later.

I was doing an interview with my friend Gina. (Made up person) she has a late night radio show that she has been begging me to be on. I've been trying to avoid all of this media stuff because of the backlash I get but she's a good friend of mine, so why not.

"Wassup everybody, it's Gina and your tuned into Girl Talk and tonight's guest is a very good friend of mine Ms. Nia Guzman! How are you?"

"I am good, thanks for having me."

"I'm happy I finally got you on the show. I've been begging her ass to come and sit down and talk with us and she finally came."

"Yeah. Only because I love you."

"Awww, okay so what's been going on with you?"

"Nothing much just being a mom and trying to get back in school to finish up this nursing program. I've been working on my clothing line and my business line. I've been very busy."

"So are you now adjusted to being the baby mother of a famous person or is it still all crazy for you?"

"I'm used to it now. Some stuff I still can't stand but I think my skin is a lot tougher than when everything first came out."

"So how are things with you and Chris? There's something always in the media about you guys butting heads. But there hasn't been anything lately so I'm hoping you guys are happy."

"Things are going well. I'm not going to say like we're best friends or anything but we respect each other and that's what's most important especially for our daughter."

"Okay I gotta ask and I think every woman wants to know, what is Chris Brown like in bed?"

"Oh god, it's been so long I don't even remember." I rubbed my forehead.

"I don't believe that at all! He looks like he's amazing in bed."

"I can't say."

"Come oooon Nia! This is girl talk! I know there are times when you reminisce on that night."

"We were druuuunk! Everything isn't clear."

"But I know that dick is still clear. Just let me know was it good, yes or no?"

"Yes, it was good."


"Oh man, I'm going to be in trouble. I need a drink, where's the liquor!"

"Here. Knock yourself out."

Gina handed me the bottle.

"So how are you with his on and off again fiancé? I've saw you guys have a few disagreements on social media."

"Amazing actually. She's been helping me with getting this nursing school stuff because she was a RN which I highly appreciate. Compared to where we used to be we are in a much much better place."

"It seems like you enjoy her more than Chris."

I laughed. "What do you mean by that?"

"Chris got oh we're okay and she got amazing! Who's better in bed him or her? The way you're acting she's had a piece of that ass!"

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