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I was throwing a party at my crib tonight. I feel like I haven't had a chance to turn up since Aden was born.

Tonight I was getting fucked up!

I decided to invite Crystal. What Sabrina did almost ruined shit for me but I apologized and had Sabrina talk to her. If I gotta sit around and accept her new relationship, she gotta do the same thing.

She left me, remember?!

I was sitting on the couch smoking and vibing to the music. I looked to my left and I saw a girl with a curly fro looking around, after blinking a few times I realized it was her.

I got up and went over to her.

"Wassup girl." I said while wrapping my arm around her shoulder.

"There you are." She pulled me into a hug and I kissed her cheek.

"Come on. Let's get you something to drink."

I grabbed her hand walked into the kitchen.

"This place is packed! How do you trust so many people in your house?"

"They cool, it ain't a bunch of random people though. You had to be invited by my people to get in here."

"Oh okay."

"Come on let's go somewhere more quiet."

I led her upstairs to my room. I felt like a teenager doing this shit.

Once we got up there we relaxed on my bed.

"So how are your kids?" She asked.

"They're good. Just getting bigger everyday. Hopefully you'll get a chance to meet them one day."

"Would their moms be cool with that?"

"They have no reason to not be."

"I mean me and Sabrina kind of started off on the wrong foot."

"She's crazy man, don't pay her any attention."

"It just seems like she still loves you."

"Naw, she's just crazy."

She laughed.

"Enough of her, so how's school?"

"It's cool, I'm just ready to be finished. All I want to do is getting my paintings into an exhibit."

"You know I love art. Maybe one day we can go to one."

"Oh my gosh I would love that. I love your work. I think you are amazing and extremely blessed. What can't you do?"

"I haven't came across nothing that I can't do." I laughed.

Well besides be faithful but she don't need to know that.

"I think it's dope how versatile you are. You'll be able to have things to fall back on. I wish I was like that."

"The sky is the limit, that's the mindset you gotta have. You can do anything you put your mind to. It was a time when I felt like singing and dancing was all I'd ever do, then acting, showed people that I could rap, song writing, graffiti's the whole art thing, it's so much more I wanna do. If it's anything you wanna do don't be scared you can do it."

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