Chapter 8

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Chapter 8: Team 7
Your POV
I wasn't to help with Team 7 until a week after I've settled in. I haven't met the team or who I'll be working with. For today I decided to clean the hole place up and get groceries and etc. After getting all the groceries I was 25% done with what I had to do for the rest of the day or week. Depending how far I get done. This was such long day! Already, I had to help with healing injured ninja because of missions. I was so tired I didn't even bother clean the living room. I could care less if people called me lazy or a slob. I've had a long day and don't need any idiots making it worse. Of course there's one idiot that would dare and cross the line with me. That was Kakashi of course. He wouldn't think twice on bothering me when I was already irritated and tired. He'd do it and not be afraid or regret his deadly decision. I knocked out on the couch and my face was buried in the pillow. "Ugh", I sighed and closes my eyes harder trying to fall asleep. "You should try taking a bath" "WHEN THE HELL DID YOU GET IN HERE?", I jumped up afraid of what happened. "Just now", he smirked and chuckled. "First you abduct me and now you're breaking in my house! What's next! Stealing my bras and panties!", I yelled without thinking on what I said. (XD) Kakashi sweatdrop and (HE STOLE THEM ALREADY?! DAM HE WORKS FAST! XD) chuckled nervously. "I wouldn't do that", he scratched the back of his neck and I glared at him. "With what you're doing so far I wouldn't be surprised if you did!"
Kakashi's POV
OK I couldn't blame her accusation. I mean, I could do it if I wanted to, but I won't. I did 'capture' (no you really captured her Kakashi) SHUT UP AUTHOR! (FUCK YOU!) and break in her house. Well I have to get closer to her one or another. She's the only I have left. The only one who understands and the only one I love. "What do you want Kakashi?" "Can't I spend time with my best friend?" "Not when she's trying to take a nap" "Well excuse me for but I wasn't the one to leave without saying goodbye". She froze and and sighed afterwards, "I came back like I said ok" "I know". We stayed quite and she sighed. We looked away from each other and she started, "Um.....goodnight" "Yeah goodnight" She kicked me out (no she didn't you're being over dramatic) *cough* as I was saying, she kicked out (not!) and I left quickly. How am I supposed to tell her and not make it weird. (Oh I don't know LET ME DO MY MAGIC!) Ugh fine
Author does magic! Aka Time skip
Your POV
It was day three and was now evening. My house was finally spotless and I decided to go out and see if anyone was around town. I went inside Ichiraku's again like Kakashi and I did few days ago. Only this time I wasn't abducted and came on my own will. "Come on let us see!" "Why?" "We've never seen your face!". I entered to hear Naruto with two other kids his age along with Kakashi. "What's going on?", I asked. "(Y/N)!", Naruto hugged me and I hugged back smiling. "Hey Naruto. How are you?" "I'm good and you?" "Good as well. Now please tell me what's going on" "We're trying to see what's under Kakashi-sensei's mask" "We?" "Yeah. Me, Sakura and (Sasgay) Sasuke". I've seen Kakashi's face a twice. The first time was when he rescued from my father. The second was because I wanted to prank him but he caught my hand and slipped his mask back on. I was so close though! "Trust me Naruto it's not worth it" "Why?". I ruffled his hair and said, "It's complicated to explain. Yet it's still not worth it" "I'm not buying that! I'm going to see what's under there!". He jumped on Kakashi and forcefully ripped the mask off. "There's another mask!", all three kids said. I laughed nervously, "Have you worn two masks ever since I tried to prank you?". Kakashi chuckled and nodded. "Yes. Who know's when you'll try again" "Please I'm too mature for that". I sat down next to Kakashi and ordered my food. "So when do you start with your team?" "Next week" "Who will you be training?" "I don't know. All I told was I'm training Team 7". All of them spit out their drinks, "Team 7!" "Yes". Naruto eyes grew wide and had a smile. "That's us! (Y/N)-sensei!" "You're kidding right?!" "Nope" "Now Kakashi has a better way of capturing me". Me and Naruto busted out laughing.

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