Chapter 14

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Chapter 14: Move on (Y/N)
Kakashi's POV
She still keeps bringing up the nosebleed incident. It's her fault for being sexy. (O.O *Plays I'm sexy and I know it*) I don't know what's her plan but it seems like it's having an affect on me. Why is she still stuck in the past? She won't get over him and I want her to be with me. "Are you ever going to love someone else?" "I don't know. He was my first love" "Yeah but that was a long time ago" "True but his death left a huge scar on my heart." "You need to get over it" "How? I still can see his smile and I sometime imagine him being Hokage right now looking down to see everyone who doubt him. I always believed he would get there. Sadly, it didn't come true" "Yeah. I wonder what they think of us now that we are different" "I'm not sure", she was blushing on the next part, "but I hope he thinks I'm beautiful. I hope he loves me" "(Y/N) yo-" "Shut up. You don't need to give me the 'move on' speech" "Yes but you're still stuck in the past" "No one made me feel love and safety like he did" "You still need to let it go" "Shut up!" "I'm just-" "Shut UP! OK!" "Calm down" "CALM DOWN! YOU DON'T SEE THAT IT'S HARD FOR ME TO MOVE ON? I LOVED HIM! NO ONE HAS SAID THEY LOVED ME AND NO ONE MADE ME FEEL WHAT I FELT FOR HIM" "I thought someone else did" "SHUT UP" "After I saved you from your father" "YOU DIDN'T HAVE TO YOU KNOW!" "Well sorry" "STOP ACTING LIKE IT'S NOTHING!" "You're making a big deal out of nothing" "OUT OF NOTHING? YOU'RE TELLING ME TO MOVE ON INSTEAD OF HELPING ME MOVE ON" "What do you want me to do?" "I DON'T KNOW BUT TELLING ME ISN'T GOING TO CUT IT! JUST STAY AWAY! I HATE YOU". She left and didn't turn back. I really messed this up. I need to tell her. I don't want her mad at me and don't want to lose her. I whispered, "I love you"

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