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Warning! The next chapter is only available for people who Follow me! No one will be able to read it except my followers! Now I know that you guys are probably all like, ' Roses are red, violets are blue, I have 5 fingers, the 3rd ones' for you." and all like, ' Whats the difference between eggs and you? Easy. Eggs get laid and you don't.". SO chill your panties! I just think the ghost people who read my chapters yet don't vote for them or follow me, well.... I think that's kinda creepy! Please don't get offended by what I am saying, but girl (or boy) I only speak the truth! SO... Click continue to next part if you followed me :-) (It's quite a long chapter, did I mention it was kinda cheesy too?! Lot's of drama happen in the chapter!



I had just been informed a few days ago about the Orlando shooting. No one deserves to die. Even if they had killed someone else. Sure, people want revenge for the losses of the following star (and others killed);

Christina Grimmie.

I have heard rumors of sweet Christina only reaching out for a hug, and the cruel man shot her. Why? Why? I have heard this question one too many times. Some people love the feeling of killing; some people do it out of rage; some people do it out of curiosity; and some people do it to make others grieve the same way they did about someone. There are PLENTY of reasons of why people do it. This STILL does not give people the right to kill others. What would I do if I found this guy? Heck I would slap that guy in the face until his whole body is black and blue! I bet everyone would like to give him a good beating after what he did to her, or possibly kill him! All I can say is Don't Do It. And to the family who lost their beloved Christina; I am so sorry of what had happened. My heart goes out to them. I am grieving as well about ALL of the people who had died and gotten hurt during these shootings. My heart goes out to them as well. I was a great fan of Christina Grimmie. She made me laugh constantly every day. I still can not get over the fact that there will be NO MORE videos of her for 2016+. I can only look over the ones she already posted. What can we do about it? We need to have more security. Video cameras. Anything to prevent deaths Delivered by greedy and cruel people. All I can really say right now is if you need someone to talk to if you are in any situation, you can count on me. You can talk to me. Don't be afraid to. Just know that as the author of this book, I care for my fans. Sorry for the short delay. To the next chapter!

Bite Me, Love. (COMPLETED)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz