Chapter 2

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Later that evening

"Dad I'm going to a friend's place for a school project" I yelled as I walked out the door

"Ok honey, make sure to come home on time alright, I'm making dinner " I heard him say as I closed the door

"Ok dad, bye" I left the house.

I know what you're thinking, "friend?", yeah well Drew is not my friend, but I can't exactly say 'dad i'm going to a pompous looking guy's house who may or may not be a player, rubs me the wrong way and shares the same name as my childhood bully' now can I ?

Exactly! no. so I thought "friend" would be safe.

I took a deep breath as I walked toward his house, I usually only visit Sonny and Raven, I've never bothered to visit anyone else nor do I know anyone else to visit, I usually do all my joint projects in school.

I stopped on my track, wait, why the fuck did I even offer to go to his house? We could have just done it in school.

I sighed and shook my head, "dumb ass" I said out loud as I continued walking.

I guess I didn't want to spend another minute with him in that class and lost some braincells in the process of trying to avoid a conversation with him at the time.

I got to Drew Parkers house in twelve minutes.

what? It's's just a two minute difference.  I'm lazy.

Anyways, I rang the door bell, partly hoping no one was home, but to my disappointment, the door immediately swang open.

Erm.. Okay, I was shocked. It was almost like he was waiting for me, which I doubt, but still, it was weird.

Before I could say anything I found myself looking at a shirtless Parker, and if I'm being honest had a fairly 'okay' body, just saying,

when I finally looked at him, he had a smirk on his face

"Amies were you that desperate to see me, couldn't you wait a little longer ?"

I sighed "I came here as fast as I could so I could leave just as fast. Oh, and dude, put on a shirt, you look like a wet kitten" with a smirk on my face I walked in, not waiting for him to reply.

Oh my gosh Amy you are killing it today, another good one, I feel like a comeback queen already.

I smiled and nodded my head congratulating myself.

He stood there for another thirty seconds staring at nothing, probably from shock. I grinded and mentally high- fived myself, you go girl!

when he finally closed the door and came in, we went straight to his room,  without being told again, he wore a shirt and we started the project.

He had a nomal highschool boys room, posters on the wall, video games everywhere and so on.

I decided to focus on the project and not look around.

An hour into the project his phone rang, I glared at him

what?, I don't want him to get distracted, I want to leave here as quickly as possible.

he ended the call, probably noticing my glare, thirty seconds later it rang again, I glared at him again.

He shrugged, gave an innocent smile and turned off the phone, showing me as he did.

Not up to two minutes later, the house phone in his room rang,

Out of annoyance I yelled, "dude the fuck?"

He looked at me "sorry it's Jane, she's been calling me"

Jane is his girlfriend, and a fine example of a mean girl.

Unlike most schools and movies were the cheerleaders act as the mean bitch, my school was different, realistic even, here the mean girl is one of the smartest girl in school, who is an unnecessary bitch, she is mean, brunette, controlling and popular.
She almost always came in first place and looked down on everyone else.

In all my years in this school, we have only interacted once.

And no, we didn't even have a real conversation, you see, last year, I came in first in our history exam (pure luck), beating Jane with two points, which to her is an abomination.

You see, we all checked our results together on the notice board, so when Jane saw it, she felt embarrassed, and decided to make a scene, I can still vividly remember that day;

she looked at me with a sneer and called me a cheater, gaining peoples attention, I rolled my eyes at her, calling her a sore loser, people around us heard and snickered, which made her even more bitter,

I, being the drama avoider that I am, decided to walk away, not wanting to deal with her childishness anymore, but she wasn't satisfied, she walked passed me, bumping my shoulders forcefully with hers, then she stopped to look at me, calling me a cheating bitch, before walking ahead.

Me, also being the hot head that I am, increased my footsteps to catch up to her, bumped my shoulder to hers with even more force, causing her to stumble, then I flipped her the bird before walking away.

And that was it, I never spoke to or looked at her again.

I had no idea why she was dating Drew, probably because at some point he was voted 'most handsome' and he was one of the few boys she thought was up to her standards.
Guess she can scratch him off her list now.

I was about to say something when all of a sudden a voicemail came in,

"Drew pick up the phone, you can't do this to me, you can't break up with me, I love you " she screamed,

then she started fake crying "Drew honey, don't break my heart, I need you for now, if you leave me people will think I'm dying or worse, worthless, Drew please "

Dying or 'worse' worthless? Is it me or does this bitch need to get her priority straight

Then the phone was quite for a while, I thought for sure she'd cut the call, but then she screamed "Dreeewww, fuck you, I won't let you go so easily, you won't be the one to break up with me!" then she ended the call,

I glanced at Drew who looked shocked and speechless, looking at me and I burst into laughter

I laughed for almost five minutes and was basically crying, I haven't laughed that hard in a while, Drew was looking at me like I was crazy.

After five minutes of complete laughter, I finally calmed down, but still snickered a little.

"Are you done?" Drew asked still blushing a little

I smiled "yes I'm done, sorry I just couldn't help it"

"No problem, sorry about that, I just broke up with Jane, we only dated for three weeks, and she isn't taking it well"

"Yeah, I noticed" I said still smiling.
        when I realised this, I quickly composed myself and cleared my throat, "er-erm no need to explain yourself to me, let's just finish this" and the room was quiet again.

Two hours later I had to go because it was getting late, we couldn't finish the project. damnit!

for some reason, I felt like he was happy, I didn't know why and frankly, I didn't really care.

He invited me to dinner but I told him I already had plans with my dad, he then offered to see me off but I obviously said no.

I said good bye and left.


I hope this chapter was interesting, sorry if the chapters are not very long...

anyways, I've decided to do the next 2 chapters in DREW'S POV ..

please look forward to it.

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