Chapter 28

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Sundays are usually quiet and peaceful at home.

Dad's home and I'm home, so if I don't have homework and him extra work, we spend the afternoon together.

But mornings are mine, I spend it sleeping or entertaining myself if I'm up,

   "I love it when they try to get intimate, even when they know I ain't into it, you not into it, I'm not into it-"

I am currently in the shower blasting music through my Bluetooth speaker, singing my ass out, wasting water and most importantly, dancing like a fool,

"You think that you so hot, and you say you gat skills in the bedroom, something something something, had a chance you still never came through-" 

the song I am heartlessly destroying is 'long way to go' by Cassie, but I don't care about lyrics right now, cause I'm in a real good mood,

I was finally able to convince dad into reducing my prison sentence to three days, including today, I tried to plead a day, but he said I would have to give up my phone, and suddenly three days seemed like a blink of an eye,

  I came out of the shower, wore my undies and a white singlet, I was about to dry my hair when my jam started playing,

"aaaay! My jam!!," I screamed

"-smack it, smack it in the air, Smack it, smack it in the air
Legs movin' side to side, smack it, smack it in the air, Wave your hands side to side, put it in the air, Clap, clap, clap like you don't care, Smack that, clap, clap, clap like you don't care, I know you care-"

  I continued to sing and dance, following the instructions in the song, kicking everything in my path,

Then my favorite part came up, so I sang louder, spinning along,

"-Foot up, my foot up, Hold up now my foot up, I'm spinnin' my foot up
Foot up yeah my foot up, Put my foot down, yeah my hands up, My hands up, I'm spinnin' all my hands up, Spinnin' while my hands up, Spinn-  Oouch!!" I cried in pain as I fell to the ground, making a loud thud sound,

"ouw, ouw, ouucchh fuck!!" I rolled side to side, holding my foot,

  "Amy are you alright?" I heard dad yell from behind the door,

  "yeah, I'm fine, I just hit my toe!!" I yelled over the loud music

"okay, take it easy, and reduce the volume, it's too loud!!" he yelled

  "got it!!" I replied,

I glared at my phone and crawled to it with so much annoyance, changed the stupid song, yes, stupid!, then removed it from favorite playlist.

  "serves you right for hurting my poor pinky toe" I said, then flipped the phone back on the bed,

I sighed and laid flat on the floor, listening to the beautiful lyrics of Elvis's 'can't help falling in love with you',

As much as I wanted to deny and Ignore it, I think I... l-like Drew.

Like, really like him.

I touched my lips as the memory of our first kiss came to mind, causing me to smile..

Oh God, what am I going to do?

Plus, he already like someone else, I rolled to my side in thought.

wait, even if he didn't like someone else, what was I going to do about it?,

I rolled on my back again, facing the ceiling,

I mean, he doesn't even like me like that, I could see how uncomfortable he was yesterday because of my stupid drunk err... Action. I would be uncomfortable too if I were him, and someone I considered a friend, if not family, suddenly kiss me and says all those weird stuff to me.

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