Chapter 13

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It's been a week since Drew and I became friends and things have been going really well.

Drew mostly hanged around me, although there were times when he'd move around with Sonny and Raven but never too long.

Ben and Raven spent even more time together, they had also gone out together to Relax, Every time sonny and asked her if they were dating she'd deny.

Jane and her plastic minions still played their dirty tricks on me, and I was beginning to getting tired of it.

Don't get me wrong, I don't want to get expelled, nor do I want my dad getting worried, but I swear, if that bitch tries anymore funny business with me, I will literally end her.


Today's Thursday, and it's been good so far, nothing really special, but good none the less.

I was walking to my locker, to get my books for the next class, the hallway was beginning to get crowded, as more students left their classrooms to change their books

"Amies, Amies, wait up" I heard Drew saying, running towards me

I waited till he got to me

"hey Drew, what's up?" I said when he caught up to me, and we keep on walking

"hey, where you going?" he asked

"My locker, I need to change me books"

"Okay, lets go together" he said,

  Why those he want to follow me? Doesn't he need to change his books too

"Eeer, sure why not" I said, keeping my thought to myself

"So, erm, Ben and I are hanging out at my place on Saturday, do you and the girls maybe want to come along"

"Well I'll need to ask the girls first, did Ben ask you to do this, because of Raven"

He smiled "yes and no, I was going to ask you to come anyways" he said with a smile

I gave him a questioning look "You were going to ask me and not the girls?" I asked as we stopped at my locker

", I was going to ask them too" he replied

  I'm not sure if I believe him

" oh Really?" I gave him a suspicious look while opening my locker

As I reached my hand to pick my book I felt something weird in my locker, which cause me to draw my eyes away from Drew to whatever I was touching

"Holy shit!!!" I jumped back

There were two dead rats in my locker, how the fuck did they get there¿     


How on earth did she put them in, I mean she's all barbie and no work, plus I've changed my locker code more than three times now, how does she keep getting in!

"I swear I'm going to kill that bitch" I shouted

"Woah calm down Amies"

"No, I can't calm down, I'm tired of that bitch and her stupid minions messing with me"

I'm pretty sure my right eye was twitching and my face was red out of anger

"I know okay, I'll talk to her again" he said, I could feel he was pissed off about this too.

"No don't, I've kept quiet long enough, it's time I take action and show her who's boss" I said as I banged my locker shut and stormed out in anger.

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