Chapter 9

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In the next two weeks, Parker and Ben made it their duty to hang out with Sonny, Raven, and I

if we had class together, they would sit with us, during lunch they would also sit with us. For the first week it was annoying, but later on I decided to ignore it and let it go, when they get tired they will stop, I hope.

Parker and Ben weren't the only once who decided to mingle with me and my friend,

Turns out, Jane and her plastic minions also made it their duty to mingle with me, but in thier own messed up way.

Over the passed two weeks, I'd received different series of pranks , hate letters in my locker, dirt on my table, dirt in my lock and even more.

If Jane was talented in anything it was pushing my buttons, and seeing as I had promised my friends not to cause trouble, I decided to ignore it all.

Ben and Raven also became close during this period, They always spent time together, there were also series of whispering, laughing, and giggling(on Raven's path), Somehow Sonny understood what was going on between them, but I on the other hand, did not.


"Parker, its been two weeks, when will you stop hanging around me and my friends, and more importantly, why are you following me home" I said irritated but mostly tired

Classes were over for the day and for some reason parker decided that he had to follow me home

"Amies, have told you to stop calling me Parker, call me Drew and I'm escorting you home because I don't want Jane and her cliques to follow you or try to bully you"

  What the fuck, who do you think you are, knight in stupid armor?, I don't need or even want your protection,

"What!, for your information Drew Parker, I can take care of myself"

"Well you've not been doing a good for the past two week" he said in a matter of fact manner

I hated how he thought I needed him to 'protect' me, infact I wouldn't need protection if he just leaves me alone!.

"Well whose fault is that, I was fine before you decide that you had to be friends with me because it would be COOL!!" I shouted whilst air-quoting the words 'friends' and 'cool'

I could see Drew too was getting frustrated "I know that, and that's why I'm try my best to protect you" he shouted

Why the fuck is he yelling at me!, this is his fault!!

"Well, your best is not good enough, I'm constantly being pushed around, I'm tired of finding weird things in my locker, I'm tired of my books being constantly destroyed by them, and do you know what I'm mostly tired of ?!, I'm tired of not doing anything about it because I don't want to stress my dad or get expelled, If you didn't know Drew Parker, this is what I meant when I said I didn't want any drama in my life!. so Parker this is why I don't want to be friends with you" I shouted.

Now I was breathing heavy, And I'm pretty sure my right eye was twitching,

Drew was quiet, He was staring at me,

After a while he finally spoke "so what do you want me to do"


still he was calm and didn't say anything for a while

"fine, if thats what you want, thats fine by me, I too have had enough, all I wanted was to be friends, maybe I was hoping for too much, Goodbye Amy" he looked so hurt.

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