Chapter 6

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After lunch break the girls and I had separate classes, it was our only separate class for today.

They were lucky they had nomal classes were they could sit down and just listen, but I wasnt so lucky.

I had gym class.

And for the first time I realised Jane and I had gym class together, I probably only noticed her now because she was standing so close to the door..

"You've got to be kidding me" I said to myself.

I've seen alot of teenage chick flick movies, and thanks to them, I have come to the following conclusions..

Most of the time, it's usually the gym or the cafeteria shit goes down in, sometimes the hallway as well.

And I just ate, so I'm definitely not in the mood for some diva girls chickflic drama,

You know what?, I'm just going to pretend I don't see them and walk into the gym,

  So I held my head up high, and kept moving

On geting to the entrance, I tripped on someone's foot and fell face flat, wanna guess who's foot?

no, it wasn't Jane, it was one of her minions

I looked up and saw Jane and her plastic minions laughing.

I got up and smiled, keep it cool Amy

urgh, I guess she too has seen one too many chickflic movies and has taken the role of queen beetch,

I was about to walk away when Jane pulled me back by my shirt

  What the fuck is wrong with this girl

"awwn is little Amy scared?", She asked

    'Little!!' bitch I'm taller than you

"that's what happens when you go somewhere you're not meant to be, you trip and fall" she continued

I knew what she meant, and that only made my smile grow wider, my heart was starting to beat faster out of excitement.

I was so thrilled, you see, I am what people describe as a confrontational person, my life had become so boring ever since two years ago when I beat up the base ball player for talking bad about me and my mom,

the asshole thought he could verbally abuse me so I physically abused him,

But I almost got suspended and promised my dad I would avoid violence.

Anyways, after then people avoided me and no one challenged me, but she'd dared, she poked the sleeping lion within me, ok, maybe lion is a bit too far, but you get my point

I think she could see the evil excitement in my eyes because she immediately let go of my hand.

She cleared her throat then said "girls lets go"

But I grabbed her hands before she could leave "ooh honey, where are you going, you just started something, lets finish it, I gave you the opportunity to back off by trying to leave but you seem to want a fight-"

I smiled "or don't tell me you're already scared"

She smirked "scared of what? you? please" she pulled away and started walking fast to the other side of the gym.

Call it faith, destiny, karma, or whatever but as she was walking away a basket ball mysteriously rolled to my side, it was like the world wanted me to use it

So I picked it and threw it lightly at her head,

what? Don't forget she made me stumble and fall, now we are even.

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