Chapter 30: Final Chapter

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"You've got to be kidding me" Drew said out loud, looking down at his phone,

We were making our way out of class along with the other students when Drew got a text on his phone

" What is it?" I asked

He sighed "my mom just texted me saying she dropped the key to the house in a sewer along the road and since she's not get home until later, I might need to break the lock when I go"

I chuckled slightly "that a little unnecessary, why not use the other spare key?"

"What other spare key?" He asked

"The one under the stone in the flower pot, duh"

He sighed again and racked his hand through his hair "that's the one we've been using, my dad misplaced the first one. I don't know why she even took the key wi-" he stopped mid sentence and stared at me, which made me a little self conscious

"What?" I asked

"How do you know about that key?" He asked with squinted eyes

"What do you mean? You showed me that day, after the party, right befo-" I covered my mouth with my hands, finally understanding, I just said something I shouldn't rather, 'don't' remember.


"Er.. I should go get my stuff for next period" I said trying to walk away,

"Amies... D-do you remember what happened that day?"

I felt my cheeks start to heat up "N-no I don't remember anything like that! We didn't do anything" I said in a panic

He gave me a suspicious look "I never said we did anything." He took a step closer

Oh shit

"Er.. I need to go get my stuff for last period okay " I hurried away before he could stop me

  Even as a dashed down the hall I could feel his gaze on me and I didn't look back.

What kind of dumb fuck are you? I asked myself

*End of school*

"Hey Amies, wait up" Drew said as he ran up to me.

Alright Amy, get your story straight, he told you about the key some months ago, he just can't remember. No! Even better, Nathan told you- me about the key when they came over that day, when he asked me to come over and play games with him.

yes, that's better.

"Heyi" I said a little awkwardly as he got to me

"Hey, can I come over later today?, it's Friday so we can play games or watch movies till when ever we like" he said not mentioning the key.

Is he not going to ask about the key anymore?

"Er.. Sorry not today, Raven and I have plans" I said

Maybe he thought of a possible explanation on his own.

Thank God.

"Oh, okay. Er.. What are you guys doing? I could joi-"

"We are gonna go out and have some you know, girls time... So err we won't be home" I lied

"Oh Okay"


He kept staring at me, with so much intensity, I didn't know what to do with my hands, the air around was so thick, it was hard to breath.

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