Chapter 25

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Drew's POV:

Current time: 8:40 pm, friday

"You changed" I said looking at her new outfit

"erm.. yeah, Raven made me, is it too much?" she asked

"No!, no its good, I like it" I said, I couldn't take my eyes of her

"T-thanks" she replied

I cleared my throat again trying to stay focused "ok guys lets go".

    "Oh my Gosh, guys I have a feeling this is going to be an amazing party" Raven chirped when we got to the car

"I feel it too babe, maybe something good is going to happen" Ben replied

   Sure, the party will be nice, but I still can't get my mind of Amy, she looked so beautiful, and I love the way the clothes played with her curves, exposing enough but not too much,
  The tshirt she had on before was waaaay too big, covered too much, the only good thing about what she wore then was her shorts, but right now, I love what she's wearing


I HATE what she's wearing

    It's been less than five minutes since we got here and half the guy here are checking her out, ok, maybe not half, but still.. more than enough

   Although the party is clearly just getting started, the crowd is already full, there are plastic cups everywhere, empty pizza cartons on  table, and the legendary drunken watermelon carried around.

I can only imagine what those poor mellons had to go through, the torture they faced, drilling four to five holes in them, and then chocking with vodka, oh the horror

   I sighed, I have to make sure Amies stays away from all alcoholic drinks, beers and most importantly, those damned watermelons, knowing her, she probably hasn't had any acohol before, meaning she would have a low tolerance.

    I also need to keep my eyes on her, this house is way too big, I could lose her at any time,

  Stephen's parents are rich as fuck, their house is way too big, and according to him, they are almost never around, so he's always throwing parties every opportunity he gets, he's one of the football player in school, so his parties are alway a full house

  Ben went to go find him when we first arrived and Raven decided to tag along, leaving Amy and I

    I have to admit, I have been avoiding being alone with her for quite some time,

no, not because I don't want to be friends with her anymore, it's quite the opposite,

  The event before my recent trip was kind of an eye opener for me, It is clear I will always be nothing but a friend to Amies, and I have come to accept it and have moved on,

well I'm still trying to move on, but it's really hard, I still like her and everytime I'm starting to accept the reality, she does things that make me think her feeling for me her changing, and it's so confusing,

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