Chapter Four

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When Elliot drove us to school that morning he kept casting me concerned looks and I knew it was because my eyes were a little red and puffy... It hadn't gone away even with the shower I took.

After Eliza had gotten out of the car I hurriedly told him: 'Sorry Ely... I can't come on that date, I'm very seriously grounded.' Then I got out without waiting for his reply.

When Missy saw me that morning the first thing she did was hug me, very tightly I might add. It did make me feel a little better and I couldn't help but smile when Jake joined in on the hug as well.

'Don't worry kiddo, whatever it is, it will get taken care off eventually,' he muttered softly. I nodded and looked up at my two friends, 'I know...'

Sometimes it really felt as if Jake was much older then his age. He seemed to speak only when he had something wise to say. But his words did make me feel stronger, one day I would get my chance.

I was eighteen after all and as soon as I finished high school I'd definitely get my own place and get away from that horrible home. Then I thought of Hayden and I realized I had to do everything in my power to get him away from there. Maybe I could raise him on my own?

Most of my classes passed by in a blur again, I paid attention as best as I could but I was so ahead on most subjects that all I did was doodle and write in my notebook. Then of course third period came round and I had to face Mr. Flynn again, Nathaniel.

This time I knew I was still on time and I couldn't help but smile proudly at him as he sat behind his desk in all his glory. He nodded with a smile as if finding it amusing that I was so happy I had finally found the class room on time.

Then he frowned and immediately one of my hands went to my eyes. Were they still a little red from crying? Was that why he was frowning?

I decided to ignore it and sat down beside Missy to talk a little with her before class started. We still had a few minutes.

Eliza waltzed in at the last minute, smiling flirtatiously at Mr. Flynn and then smirking in satisfaction in my direction. Of course she was happy that I felt miserable.

I couldn't care less about being grounded... It was being called a whore and the fact that my dad had called even my dead mother a whore. I just felt so alone in the world, so unloved.

Just to remind myself that at least my mother was watching over my from heaven I touched the angel wing hanger around my neck. That usually cheered me up a little but just like last night it didn't really help.

I knew that Hayden was very unhappy too, it made everything so much worse... I wanted to see him happy at least, even if I wasn't.

I was so lost in thought that I didn't even notice when class finished and people left. I didn't even notice how Missy had gotten up and left.

What shook me from my reverie of dark thoughts was a pair of warm hands as they softly lifted me right out of my chair. Then before I could protest I was pressed firmly into a hard chest, a pair of arms wrapping around me tightly.

Thicker than Blood - Book One (Watty Awards 2012)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora