Chapter Seven

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Thank you everyone who's reading this and especially thanks to everyone who's fanned! I'm going to try and do an update Saturday again but for now enjoy this one ;)

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Feedback would be great. :) And in case I can't update Saturday, Merry Christmas everyone.



It was very hard to drive away. I knew she was hurting although I didn't know why, the urge was very strong to barge into that house and kill everything and anyone that was causing it.

I knew that she wouldn't appreciate it if I did, she was a gentle soul. I knew she wouldn't be happy if I went and killed that Devon either but I wasn't going to let him get away with assaulting my mate.

Grabbing my phone I snapped it open, dialing a number from my contact list. I didn't bother restraining the growl that ripped from my throat as the phone was picked up.

'Jeremy! I demand repayment! Your son assaulted my mate!' the words were pulled together in a long snarl and my mouth twisted around the word son. I didn't hold my fangs back as they pushed through my gums, fueled by my anger.

The man on the other side of the line growled as well before saying, 'Change your tone Vampire!' As the alpha of the pack of werewolves in town he was one of the few that wasn't scared of me, in a fight I would still win easily, but his rank allowed him more privileges.

'I'll be damned if I will. Your son tried to rape my MATE last night! I have a right to rip his fucking head off, be happy that I haven't done so yet and went to you instead!' to anyone human my words would have been unrecognizable but Jeremy had no trouble understanding.

'Since when do you have a mate, nobody knows about that,' Jeremy said, his voice calm now although I could tell he was offended by my way of talking. He was letting his alpha side show, trying to redirect conflict.

'I found her this week Jeremy... She doesn't even know yet, but that doesn't change anything. He still tried to rape her last night,' I explained, my initial anger having burned away now. I pinched the bridge of my nose.

'That means Devon didn't know she was yours though... You can't expect him to stay away if she's not marked,' Jeremy said, defending his son and future alpha. It was his very own pride I was laying accusations to as well.

'Jeremy!' I growled his name again, 'That doesn't take away the fact that he tried to RAPE someone, whether she's my mate or not. That's against the rules! It's wrong! He needs to be punished.'

It was quiet for a moment before I heard Jeremy sigh, 'Will you allow me to punish him? Or do you demand your right of repayment?'

The monster inside me wanted nothing more then to get the chance to pound Devon's face to mush but my rational side said: 'Fine, but if there's another incident I wont be so nice! Be glad I came to you first, you know I didn't have to do that.'

Thicker than Blood - Book One (Watty Awards 2012)Where stories live. Discover now