Chapter Thirteen

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Sorry that it took so long to update... Been a long week without a computer and all. 

Anyway: I saw I had six new fans which makes me REALLY happy! That's so great ;) And because I had no computer it feels like that just happened overnight. Thank you all so much for reading and liking my story!

Vote and comment ;) 

Love, Robin

A little uncomfortable I sat in the passenger's seat of Missy's car. She'd allowed Nathaniel five minutes in private to say goodbye to me, the whole argument would have been funny if not for the fact that I was on the losing side...

After all, Missy was seven years Nathaniel's junior and she totally strong armed him to do as she said. Of course it didn't help that Nathaniel knew she was right and wasn't really putting up that much of a fight.

He'd taken me aside, straight into his office and attacked my lips as soon as the door closed. That was the reason I was uncomfortable now... Missy was wearing that knowing smile on her face and it was very unsettling.

We were nearly there when she said suddenly: 'I know this is private for a lot of people but we're friends right?'

Confused I nodded, 'Of course we are...'

'How does your mark look?'

I stared at her. Mark? Did she mean the hickey?

'Yeah your Soulmate mark...' Missy clarified.

I was still staring but I really didn't know what she was talking about. I knew Nathaniel had said something once about how the hickey wasn't a real mark, because that should be permanent. But I was pretty sure I didn't have anything like that.

'He hasn't marked you yet?' Missy's eyebrows climbed up in surprise and then she was suddenly pulling her shirt up to show her left hip.

Just above the line of her pants there was a marking, it looked silvery lined with black. With elegant lines and dots they shaped a heart encircled with pretty swirls and music notes entwined. It seemed almost alive and flowed with her skin... The colors like nothing ink could do.

'This is mine, not all marks actually have a heart. They are unique for each couple and reflect a little of their personalities, that's why a lot of couples hide them. They are afraid to reveal things about themselves to others...'

Nathaniel was going to give me a mark like that? How would he do it? I scrunched up my face as I tried to imagine it. Would it involve him biting me? No Elliot didn't have fangs and he'd marked Missy so that couldn't be it.

Missy smiled, 'The heart reflects how passionate we both are... The swirls indicate scents and steam, they're for Elliot's talents as a cook amongst other things while the music notes are for me.'

'It's very beautiful Mis... It just... it seems a little weird that just the females get the mark? It's like marking territory or something,' that seemed a little off to me. I didn't want to go around with this big sign saying I was Nathaniel's while nobody could tell he was mine.

Missy laughed, 'You get to mark him too Amy. Elliot has the same mark as I do but his is right over his heart. You should start thinking about where you want yours and where you'd want to mark Nathaniel.

It's important you get that mark soon, werewolves can smell you're marked. They'll leave you alone after that, it's very sacred in their culture. In every culture really, least in the vampire culture though.'

'Werewolves?' of course there would also be werewolves out there... Silly not to expect that!

'Yeah Devon's one actually and so is Mr. Reynolds, Devon is going to be the next alpha in town when his father dies. Nobody likes him though,' I shivered as I processed that information and remembered my dream about Devon changing into a wolf.

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