Chapter Forty-Two

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Important! Did everyone read chapter forty one? Make sure you did before reading this chapter!

Heya everyone,

Can't believe I'm finally posting this chapter. The LAST chapter to the story. That is, this story will of course continue in the next book in the series and I'm planning on posting the first chapter to that on the 1st of November.

I want to thank everyone who's been following this story so loyally and everyone who's fanned and commented and voted! Thank you all! 

I'll add an Epilogue to this story right after posting this story and I wish you all a lot of fun reading that!




'Yes!' I exclaimed, 'Shadowpeak! And I need to be there now! You heard my grandfather.' I couldn't and didn't hide the urgency behind my words. Every second counted if I wanted to help Nathaniel, I was so very certain that he'd run straight into his death.

The world dissolved around me into a blue swirl and for a moment everything seemed to spin. Black the only thing visible behind the swirling blue.

Then we hit solid ground, it slammed through my ankles and brought me to my knees. The landing much rougher than I expected it to be. Elliot was partially underneath me, lying on the ground yet still holding onto my hand.

My heart jumped into my throat, oh no! Did the strain hurt him? Kill him?

Then he groaned, 'Sorry Amy, I forgot to adjust for the fact that I was still lying... You okay?'

I drew in an incredibly relieved breath, 'Yes, perfect. Now get help for Lysander!' I patted the Witch on his shoulder as I helped pull him to his feet. We were both a little unsteady still.

He nodded, 'Amy, be careful. I know back up is on its way but it'll take them at least another ten to twenty minutes to get here.' With his only hand he reached up and softly stroked my cheek, 'You're a brave girl.'

He disappeared in an flash of blue.

That left me alone on what appeared to be an empty road. On either side the forest loomed over, in an almost threatening stance. The road lead downhill and out of side around a turn in one direction and uphill in a more straight line in the other direction.

That's where I had to go.

Picking up the fallen silver candlestick I clutched it tightly in my hand. It was the probably the best weapon I had right now. I ignored the blood on the end, Lysander's blood, and decided to simply be happy that it had been teleported along.

Then I started running up the hill, hoping that it wasn't too far and that I wasn't too late.

I reached the top a few minutes later, out of breath and terrified of what I would find. I wasn't prepared for the sight of Nathaniel fighting with a blur, white and blue only occasionally visible.

They were still so far away!

The rocky hill top was much bigger than it had appeared, a small cottage at least three hundred feet away from me still and Nathaniel and his opponent at least another two hundred beyond that.

I started out for the cottage, keeping my senses wide open. That had to be where they kept Hayden, the cottage that I'd seen through Devon's eyes.

I was certain it wasn't Devon Nathaniel was fighting with now, that white and blue blur moved too gracefully to be him. Nathaniel was clearly hard pressed to keep up his defenses. They spun around each other and clashed blades in a beautiful, deadly dance.

Thicker than Blood - Book One (Watty Awards 2012)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora