Chapter Eight

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Merry Christmas Everyone!

Enjoy the chapter and please don't forget to vote or comment ;) 

I'm leaving for Norway to visit a friend for a week so expect the next update eh... the 5th of Januari that's a Thursday I think. My apologies that the wait is so long.


I was making my way over to the biology classroom and I couldn't keep the bounce out of my step, I was hurrying just so I could see Nathaniel sooner.

I really had decided to hell with the consequences it seemed, although I couldn't entirely understand what was going on between us. Did he really like me, the way Jake had implied or was that in my head and was he just being nice?

It didn't feel that way though... He seemed just as reluctant to let me go on my way during lunch as I had been to leave. Thinking about lunch made my stomach growl hungrily though and I patted it a little guiltily.

I wasn't watching where I was going exactly because suddenly I slammed into something solid and I knew it wasn't a wall. Whatever it was had just moved into my path.

'Hello there sweetheart, it's nice seeing you again,' said a suave voice. One that send shivers down my spine.


I stepped back immediately, bringing my books up in front of me protectively. 'Get lost! I don't want anything to do with you,' my voice contained so much venom that I was surprised he didn't flinch.

Eliza stood right beside him, one hand on his arm as she smiled evilly at me, 'Don't talk to him like that, you little slut!'

Devon cast her a sideways glance that told me he wanted her to shut up and get away from him, he wasn't interested in her. It was me he had his eyes set on, he stepped in closer just to prove it, backing me into a wall.

'We had fun didn't we? Lets hook up again tonight?' he said one hand reaching out to touch me. I slapped it away as hard as I could and he hissed angrily.

Eliza seemed not to have heard his last words because she pushed in beside me and said: 'You're such an idiot... You can't even satisfy one man! Good thing I was around isn't that right baby?' She ran her hands up his arm and pressed herself against him a little now.

Devon responded a little distracted, his eyes still focused tightly on me, although he was running them up and down my body.

'Those clothes don't suit you at all,' he said, Eliza nodded in agreement but I knew Devon meant he wanted me to wear something more revealing where as Eliza just thought any clothes I wore looked ugly on me.

'Come on hun, we're going to be late for class if we don't leave now,' Eliza cooed.

Devon was nodding and smiled at my step sister, 'Let's ditch class. Go I'll meet you at your car.' He wiggled his eyes suggestively at her. She squealed and immediately started walking, leaving me more or less alone with Devon.

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