Chapter Five

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It was starting to get late, it seemed like I had been talking to Devon for quite a while now. He was openly flirting with me and didn't seem ashamed of it at all. It was both a little disconcerting and flattering at same time.

'I think I should go and find Missy, she's probably looking for me now...' I said as I realized I had totally ditched my friend just to talk to this guy. It felt a bit like I was doing something wrong. In fact I didn't understand why I had followed him up here in the first place.

Sure his company was nice but it didn't feel right, everyone knew going up here usually meant something along the lines of sex. That was probably why he checked all those rooms so carefully, making sure I couldn't see.

The bed we were sitting on seemed ten times smaller then before and I hurriedly scrambled to my feet. 'Yeah I think I ought to go find her.'

'Already? Just when things are getting interesting?' Devon said with another devious smile. He grabbed hold of my hand and pulled me back down with him. I was a lot closer to him now then before and suddenly I realized that I could smell alcohol on him.

'Devon? I really should go, Missy is looking for me,' I hoped that was true and that at any minute now she'd burst through the door to get me away from there. The boy had lost all his charm from before.

It really seemed as if he transformed from easy going and relaxed to angry. A strange snarl passed his lips and then suddenly he was on top of me. Pushing me down roughly with his body weight and his hands.

His lips attached themselves to mine forcefully and I tried desperately to push him away. Moving my head sideways helped a little, his lips were on my cheek now. It didn't stop him from trailing kissed over the exposed skin all the way to my ear where he bit down on my earlobe.

'Let go! Stop it!' I yelled but my hands were trapped uselessly underneath his heavy chest. He was forcing my legs apart with his knees, somehow my black dress had already ridden up to expose my panties and part of my stomach.

Why was he so bloody heavy? Why couldn't I fight him? I had never felt so helpless and so defenseless and above all so stupid in my entire life.

One hand had roughly taken hold of my breast and he was squeezing hard enough that I moaned in pain. 'Please! Stop it...' I whimpered as desperate tears started forcing their way out from beneath my lashes.

'I know you want me baby! You like this don't you?' Devon was saying.

'No I don't! Let go of me you asshole!' I screamed as I hit him as hard as I could with my free hand on his head and neck and shoulder. Anywhere I could reach him.

He grunted in pain when my fist struck his eye and then raised himself so he could get a better grip on both my hands. It meant my left leg suddenly had more space to move and I prayed: Please let this work! Please!

Drawing back my leg I brought up my knee as hard as I could, rejoicing when Devon screamed out in pain. He doubled over grabbing for his crotch, moaning and cursing my name but I was already pulling down my dress and running out the door.

Thicker than Blood - Book One (Watty Awards 2012)Where stories live. Discover now