Chapter Nine

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Heya, I'm back from Norway and ready to continue this story! Happy New Year Everyon!

Vote and comment please, I would really really like some feedback.

Tuesday seemed uneventful compared to Monday right until the very end but I liked it that way. Missy picked me up and drove me to school in the morning, much to Eliza's chagrin but she couldn't say anything about it.

During third period I smiled at Nathaniel the moment I saw him and as he passed out sheets with information he brushed my hand. It took the edge of the burning need to go to him and kiss him senseless to hell with the fact that everyone could see us.

Eliza was extremely forward in her way of flirting this class, tugging her shirt lower and her skirt up to reveal more leg. I wondered if guy's really thought that was attractive... To me it just seemed cheap.

It was amusing to watch though, even if it was a little disgusting occasionally. But I knew Nathaniel wasn't interested in her at all, after all, it was me he'd asked out on a date.

I did not get a detention that day and I was almost sad about it... It meant I wouldn't be spending an other hour with Nathaniel and that he wouldn't be the one to take me home. On the other hand, Missy invited herself over so today would still be fun.

I was the last to leave when the final bell rang, being extremely slow about packing my bag so it wouldn't seem suspicious to the other students.

When I was finally done I looked up to see that Nathaniel was standing right in front of the door. He cast me one look, questioningly, with one of those eyebrows raised.

I slowly made my way over to him and feeling brave I reached passed him and pulled the door shut.

He was chuckling and I felt my face heating up but at least he took my bag from me, dropping it to the floor with a heavy thud. Then without saying a word he pulled me into his arms, tucking my head under his chin.

I shivered, again experiencing that sensation of an elastic band that had been under constant strain finally relaxing. Melting into him I wrapped my arms around him tightly, ignoring the dirty thoughts that came unbidden.

He was running gentle fingers up and down my back in patterns, his breath flitting down my heated cheeks to tickle the sensitive skin just underneath my ears. I wondered what it would feel like if he kissed me there.

A groan escaped his lips and he muttered: 'You're going to be the death of me a ghrá mo chroí.' I felt more then heard the sensual promise in his voice as he pressed me up against the door. I heard the key turn as he locked it.

My heart thudding loudly in my chest and my skin on fire, all of it seeming to run in a direct line to the center of my body. One of his hands was on my hip, the lower half of his body pressing into me. The other hand slid up my arm, across the soft skin of my throat and then pulled my chin up so he could look me in the eye.

His normally stormy eyes were so dark they were nearly black, the air around us practically shimmering with the repressed sexual tension. He leaned forward, resting his forehead against mine, he was breathing fast and I realized that I was too.

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