Second Song: SECRETS

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Allen invited his red-head wearing eye patch friend in his room to converse. He gave Lavi a stool to sit while he was on his bed, sitting. He leaned forward, rested his elbows on his thighs, and bowed his head. How will he do this again? Is it safe to tell him? Of course it is, right? Knowing that Lavi is a bookman-in-training. He has to know besides, they are friends. Lavi may be a loudmouth but can keep a secret if needed. Allen sighed in frustration. He doesn't want them, his friends, to worry about him. He was afraid to tell anyone but he knew very well that every single secret is meant to unfold sooner or later and his case is not an exception. He has no choice, has he?

"So..." Lavi began waiting for his silverette friend to append. In what way will Allen tell him about his condition? Surely he won't plainly say 'I'm dying, Lavi. Please look after the Order and nice working with you guys.' or 'Farewell buddy. I'm leaving pretty soon.' the hell is he going to do? He must find a way to tell his friend in such a way that Lavi won't jump out of the chair and repeat 'YOU ARE DYING?!' while clutching his head in an exaggerated manner. Or maybe, out of Lavi's idiotic way to put everything, he would ask for Allen's will. Now that would be rude and certainly would mess up the atmosphere. Once again, Allen sighed. He finally straightened himself and looked firmly directly at Lavi's visible emerald eye. "Lavi..." he paused. He was not quite sure how to put it but... Whatever will be, will be. Alright, here comes nothing.He thought to himself. "You knew about parasitic-type innocence fed on their host right?" Lavi nodded. "And the host has a short life span, right?" once again, Lavi nodded. "Uhmm...Lavi, promise me you won't tell anyone about this."

Confirmed. Lavi had confirmed that his friend's life is slowly slipping away from his silver pools. But he didn't say a thing to interrupt the boy instead he waited for Allen to speak of it.

He nodded and say "Promise." when he noticed that Allen was restless and fidgeting. On the other hand, Allen relaxed a bit when he caught sight of Lavi's seriousness. He was sure that Lavi already knew what he meant thus waiting to hear it directly from his mouth.

"Lavi...I...I won't l-last any longer...I think a-anytime I will d-die." said Allen while averting his eyes to somewhere so he won't see Lavi's reaction. He waited for seconds for his companion to react until the silence became awkward. Allen hesitantly looked at Lavi and was surprised to see Lavi solemnly smiled at him.

"I see..." he said and his smile turned into a sheepish smile. "You're expecting me to say something ridiculous, aren't you?"

"Uhm...y-yes. I don't exactly know how to say this actually but since you react in that way, maybe I would tell you more?"

"Go ahead. Tell me and I'll listen. I promise not to tell a single soul." Allen smiled at this and decided to tell more about his condition.

"First, I want to know what your first expression was when you first saw me."

"Your hair. It's odd." Lavi said casually as if nothing was wrong and Allen liked it. The way his friend talks to him felt like he has nothing to worry about.

"Of course that will be your first expression. It's odd to have white hair at a young age. Well, my hair isn't white naturally."

"What? Did you bleached it?"

"No! My father would probably put his spit over my head to remove it." he felt a pang of sadness and guilt when he remembered the night he obtained his cursed and had his hair turned white. "My hair used to be reddish-brown in color. You father, Mana, died when I was ten. I was so sad back then. I sat on his grave staring at the stone in which his name carved plainly on it. I was crying, wishing for him to come back until he, the Earl, came and offered know...calling your love ones back to life. And that was my worse mistake. I turned Mana into an akuma and he cursed me for doing it. I regret what I have done to him and I am ready to die to atone for it when my left arm, my innocence, saved my life for the first time. It took too much of my energy, life force to be precise, to activate on its own accord and that made my hair this way aside from the shock and trauma I went through."

"I see..." said Lavi as he put his finger under his chin and the other hand on his elbow contemplating what Allen had told him. So, his innocence had saved his life before. Not only that, it activated on its own and acted independently to save its host. Is Allen the weilder of the Heart? There is a high chance that the answer is a 'yes'. His innocence didn't disappeared like others when Tyki destroyed it but turned into dust and followed him wherever he go plus it patched Allen's heart where the tease dig a hole. This is worth recording.

"That's an uncommon action for innocence, you know."

"Yeah. Since then I started to eat a lot only to increase as I grow older."

"Hm. Come to think of it. Does being a Noah not help your case?" Allen blinked when this topic came suddenly.

"Huh? What do you mean?"

"Noahs have the ability to regenerate so I thought it would improve your condition by providing you energy and replace the nutrients that your innocence takes." Lavi has a point. Allen thought for it for a moment. If that was true then why he still eat a lot and gets tired easily?

"Hmm...well, my Noah genes didn't help at any point. You just witnessed that I eat a lot these past days. Maybe because I don't have a single stigmata yet? No. I'm not going to be one of them Lavi if you are thinking that I will just simply embraced it so I can live longer. I would probably die shortly if I do before I even turn into a full fledge Noah. We have this thing called fallen one, right?"

"I know, Allen, but I didn't mean that. I only mean what I said. Maybe because of the fact that innocence and dark matter don't get along. That's why I think your innocence won't use the ability of Noah to feed on."

"That's right."

Once again, Allen's face turned solemn. "Are you alright?" Lavi asked.

"Lavi…I don't know how long will I live. I want to defeat the Millennium Earl and his minions before I die. With my exorcising sword, we can kill their Noahs without killing their human body. If we kill them, only their body die and not their Noah memories which will soon reincarnated to a random person."

"Don't worry, Allen. You'll live until their downfall." He smiled to cheer up his friend and Allen smiled back at him though he knew very well…he can see through Allen's eyes that he was hoping he could accomplish his job as an exorcist before his last breath cease. "You're not fighting alone, Allen. You have us. We can do it together."

"You're right, Lavi." This time, Allen smiled brightly. He's right. I am not alone. I promised that I will fight together with them and everything will be alright. He thought.

"Now, Let's go. I heard that two-spots will arrive at any moment from some sort of a meeting. I'm sure you will be the one he will ask first to see." Lavi stood from his seat and walked towards the door. He tilted the knob and allowed his friend to go out first before he set his feet outside Allen's room and closed the door. I wish you won't die because of your innocence. if only there's a way to save you, Allen, I will do it.

+++[Angel's Last Song]+++

Afternoon came and Link came back to check on Allen and record everything 24/7. As soon as he stepped inside the Order, he walked straight to Komui and asked about what Allen had been doing while he was away. Then after that, he went and searched for his charge and found him eating at the cafeteria with Crowley and Miranda. The three were having a fun time talking to each other until a certain blonde came in to their view and broke their fun time. How? You ask? Well, he just told Allen to come with him and fill up the papers that were at the library. At first Allen begged to eat more but Link insisted to leave his food and resume his feast later.

A week passed and Link noted that Allen eats a lot. He even sneaked out late at night to get something to eat and sleeps a lot which is unusual to the boy. He asked him if something was wrong but insisted that everything is going smoothly.

His hiding something from me. what is his secret anyway? I have to know. He thought to himself as he watched the boy sleeping on his bed before he laid down and slept.

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