Twenty- fifth Song: TIES

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When this life of mine withered away like a burning flame turned cold ashes, the innocence which is my left arm will be there to take over and control this body like a marionette and the Noah inside will keep patching up the wounds to make the lifeless doll good as new.

That is right. I am nothing but a broken clown puppet found by a puppeteer and a doll keeper.

The whole Black Order was in uproar. Inspector Lovelier sent the CROW to search for the traitor; all available finders and exorcists were all out to look for Allen. All Inspector Lovelier wanted is to get Allen back; they couldn't afford to lose any exorcist now, could they? He even planned to do some experiment on Allen before the Noah consumes him. When he told them about his plan, Komui, Lou, and the exorcists that were present didn't agree on this. Inspector Lovelier insisted that it was necessary and explained the risk. If the plan was successful Allen will be free from Noah, but he will end up without self awareness and only follows what was ordered him to do. And if it wasn't successful, Allen will die. Either way, they don't want to see Allen in that way. He already suffered because he was dying in the inside already and all they wanted was to make Allen happy and comfortable. And Lou wanted to give Allen the life he deserve; he was fed up of these nonsense and said the words out of outburst. He had told the Inspector, who was clueless, that Allen was dying and most of all... Allen was there last card in the battle, that he is the Heart of Innocence. Of course the Inspector didn't believe those while the rest were shocked to hear, they can hardly believe. Lou hadn't heard anything from Allen about him yet and was itching to know. Lavi and Bookman agreed on what Lou had said even Komui. They kept it a secret to protect Allen, but now was the time to inform the Inspector about Allen's last encounter with the Noah Tyki. When Allen was still at the Asian Branch, Bak told Komui that when Fo found Allen he already smelled like corpse and it was a miracle that he lived.

This goes on and on for awhile and Lou told them everything he knew saves for the fact that he and Allen were related to the Earl in blood.

+++[Angel's Last Song]+++

The bright silver full moon illumined the deadly dark ruins and lifeless eroded forest. Up on the cliff were people with ashen skin and golden eyes in white clothes. Eleven pair of golden eyes watched the two figures that were standing still below them.

The Millennium Earl stood under the light of the moon, his huge and broad sword in hand. His grin never leaves his face, it only widens as the time goes by. In front of him was an exhausted white haired teen dropped on his knees, clutching his aching left arm. Unlike the Earl, Neah was pretty beaten up. Allen's body easily got tired and if not because of that Neah could have gone farther and might even scratch the Earl. It was just like before; he was no match for the Earl.

Allen's body was running out of time. Neah can feel it. He can't hear anymore without the help of his Noah powers, his limbs were a little numb and his vision was a little blurred. He can't used his Noah powers for a longer time to enhance his senses, thus he has to end this now. He needs to end the Earl right now or else there is no tomorrow. He doesn't care if he died for the second time as long as the Earl dies with him.

The body was almost at its limit and only time can tell when will it last.

Neah diverted his right hand that was clutching his left arm to his mouth as he coughed harshly. He felt something hot and sticky slipped through his fingers. He removed his bare hand only to see a crimson liquid.

"Heh… looks like I have to hurry up Earl." He said between light coughs.

"Do you think you can beat me Neah?" the Earl asked. "You will only die once again my dear 14th, only it wasn't me who killed you but that damned innocence of Allen Walker." he chuckled.

Neah snapped his head up, glaring at the chuckling Earl. He though he was happy but no.

The Millennium Earl was crying.

"Are you crying?" Neah asked as he struggled to balance himself up.

"No, I'm not." The Earl denied.

"Then what do you call that liquid pouring down?"

"I have running nose." He replied immediately.

Neah felt like a bead of sweat just rolled down his cheek, his lips twitched at the annoyance. He never change… he sighed. "You're a liar. A liquid coming out of your eyes is running nose? This isn't the first you used that lame joke Earl."

"No, no, no. I'm not lying. *sniff* really." He insisted. He then fished a white handkerchief out of his pocket and sneezed on it.

They stayed quiet for awhile.

There is only one way to defeat the Millennium Earl and that is to combine the dark matter and innocence.

Up on the cliff, Road clutched Tyki's arm and cried silently as they watched the two resumed in fighting. The Earl used his sword while Neah used his own ability to control the vibrations in the air and focused it in one place before releasing it towards his aim.

Road felt a warm hand on her head. She looked up to see Tyki smiled at her telling her that there is nothing to worry about. Tyki knew Road wanted Neah to come back to them. She doesn't like to see her family fight. She doesn't know whether to side the Earl or Neah whom she hadn't seen for years. She hated to see them fight. Each attack reminded her of the tragedy that happened 35 years ago. When Neah was lead astray by his brother in the Earl's case. When Neah went on a rampage and murdered the family. When Neah tried to kill the Millennium Earl. When Neah had fallen and died.

It was too painful.

"Tyki, father, we have to stop them." Said Road.

"We can't." said her father, Cyril.


"Stay still Road." Tyki interrupted sternly.

"The Earl doesn't want us to interfere. He's afraid that we end up dead in the hands of the traitor." Said Wisely.

"How dare you! he's not a traitor! Neah- *sniff*- Neah got only mad when his mother was killed. *sniff* Millennie killed her." Road started to cry.

Cyril hated to see his daughter crying but…

"YOU'RE SO CUUUTE~! MY DARLING ROAD IS SO CUTE~ *hearts*" Cyril squealed and glomped the crying Road. "But of course my beloved brother is also as lovely as ever~!" he grinned at Tyki.

"Creepy…" Tyki muttered under his breath, not so audible enough for Cyril to hear who was busy comforting his beloved daughter.

+++[Angel's Last Song]+++

A finder came rushing from the ark's gate down the corridor until he reached Komui's office. He slammed the door open which made the Supervisor to jumped out of his seat and accidentally thrown the papers away that he was reading.

"SUPERVISOR KOMUI!" panting, he yelled.

"The hell is with you!? You scared me!"

"I'm sorry. Supervisor."

"What is it? Do you have a good news?" Komui asked.

"Yes. We have located Allen Walker."

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