Third Song: THIS IS WAR

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T'was a fine day at the Black Order where scientists work 24/7 in which their executive once improved a vitamin that supposedly enhance their strength thus giving more energy to make their work easier for them but faith had other plans and turned them into living ghouls. Since then, that infamous vitamin known as komuvitamin D was prohibited. Other than them, there are also soldiers that guard every gate day and night, rain or shine. Also, there are finders who do their tasks like reporting any paranormal happenings that occurred at the place they were assigned. Let us not forget our exorcists who put their lives at stake to protect us from any harm that the evils were doing.

All of them did their early morning routines before going to cafeteria for breakfast. And oh, Mr. Kitchen knife stood at the counter to order. He wears his uniform already and mugen hanged on his waist.

"The usua-" he said but was cut when he felt a force collided with him. Before he knew it he was already out of the line.


"Oh, Allen-chan! What can I cook for you, hun~?"

"Oh! Can I have 10 servings of mashed potatoes, extra large beef stew, some spanish bread..." little did they knew Kanda was fuming at the side watching the moyashi who stole his place and order his breakfast that will last a month for a mere human being. "...Then I want lasagna, make it 5. Then chicken curry in a large bowl, 3 beef steak..."

"Bean sprout..." Kanda snarled. Allen looked at him then back to Jerry and said. "Oh, Kanda wants bean sprout. And Jerry, I also want fried chicken, a bucketful and..."

"Bean...Sprout..." Kanda growled and once again Allen looked at him confused. "Eh? Jerry, Kanda wants more bean sprout-"

"BEAN SPROUT!" Kanda yelled at the top of his lungs gaining the attentions of the peacefully eating people. "Ehhh? Do you usually put bean sprouts on soba, Kanda?"


Like a flash, Kanda unsheathed his mugen and attack Allen. Fortunately, Allen has fast reflexes and blocked Kanda's mugen with his crown clowned left arm. Everyone at the cafeteria jumped at the sudden turn of events and backed up once more away from the monsters when fire erupted from the duo and eyes flickered.

"Who do you think you are, moyashi?" Kanda growled. His face was so close to Allen that the teen could feel his heated breath.

"The name's ALLEN, BaKanda!" he yelled back. "How many times do I have to remind you my name?! Oh, I forgot. You're not that smart enough to remember It." he mocked.

"Oi, moyashi. Don't talk like your smart because in the first place, you just run on me and stole my place. Now, let me chop you so I can put you on my soba. Bean sprout."

"Heh. Can't help it, BaKanda. Too hungry to notice you so I just barged in."

"Then why don't you fall in line, old man?"



To their surprise, it was Allen who first snapped. Allen was too hungry and was not on the mood to tease Kanda in which in the first place he already did. For 30 minutes they fought against each other using their activated innocence. They broke the tables nearby and bruised themselves. Kanda kicked Allen on his stomach when he saw the opening and was about to slice him when Allen suddenly fell on his knees, deactivated his crown clown and cough blood. "Oi! What's wrong?" Allen didn't answer and continue to cough blood. He muttered something that Kanda didn't heard and understand. He asked the silverette if what did he said but Allen ignored him and cough more blood before he passed out.

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