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      Everything about this summer had been utterly fantastic; being able to shoot Warped Tour this year had been so incredible. But all good things must come to an end today was the last day of tour, And I was running super late to go shoot The Word Alive. I ran across the parking lot just as they started playing Life Cycles, Telle had the entire crowd screaming the lyrics so I started snapping a few pictures and then went back stage.
"Stella!" Vince; The Word Alive's amazing tour photographer called me over to him.
"Hey Vince." I smiled and gave him a hug. "Are you not shooting the boys today?"
He chuckles slightly "I already got a bunch of pictures, but I'm going to shoot the very last song."
"Oh awesome. I'm going to go get a few good pictures of Luke." Vince nodded and I went around the amps to get a few good pictures of Luke. He looked directly at me and smiled giving me an amazing picture.
I took a few more pictures and then went and stood side stage so I could watch the rest of their set. This summer I had shot every band at least once but The Word Alive was always my favorite, mostly because Luke and I had went to high school together so he always made it easy for me to get great shots of him.
Their set was coming to an end when there was a tap on my shoulder; I looked away from Telle singing to see none other than Devin Oliver standing beside me, he had the cutest smile on his face.
"Hey Stell" he smiled down at me. I got a tad bit flustered but that had been happening all summer long. I met Devin at the beginning of the tour when Luke introduced me to him; and immediately was attracted to him but right before the tour I made a promise to myself to not get involved with another band member.
I smiled back at him "Hey Dev! I'm sorry I missed you're guys set, but Yellowcard was playing at the same time and I had to get pictures."
"It's okay, you'll just have to make it up to me." He smirked at me, and casually put his arm around my shoulders.
"And how am I supposed to make it up to you ?" I could feel goosebumps rise on the back of my neck from Devin's touch but I tried to not think about it.
"You can spend the entire wrap up party with me." I watched the smile come across his face as he spoke.
"Sure, I think that'll be fun." I smiled back at him.
We stood there and watched the rest of The Word Alive's set his arm not leaving me shoulder once. The band walked off the stage with huge smiles on their faces. Devin immediately went over to Luke and gave him a huge hug "You guys killed it, man."
"Thank you, man. Did you get some epic shots Stella." Luke spoke looking at me.
"Yeah I definitely did. I was just actually going to head back to my bus to edit them, before the party tonight." Luke then pulled me into a hug.
"Awesome I'm excited to see them" Luke spoke and let go of me. I hugged all the rest of the guys expect for Devin who was talking to people, so I just let him be and headed back to me bus to do some editing.

4 Hours Later

      I finished editing a bunch of pictures for The Word Alive and immediately sent them to them; not even 15 minutes later they posted one of my pictures and that made me feel really special.
      I decided to get ready for the party, everyone else on my bus had already left or were just barley getting ready. There was this girl named Nikki who ran merch for the Sumerian Records tent who was on my bus we had gotten super close this summer. She was absolutely stunning with long platinum blonde hair, full lips and these gorgeous light blue eyes with a dark blue ring around them plus she had these long legs that went on for miles making her 5'9. She was without a doubt one of the prettiest girls I had ever seen; and she had been in a super committed relationship with Jeff Valentine from I See Stars since they were 17. Which to me was the most amazing thing on the planet to have such a strong relationship and having someone who loves you just as much as you love them.
      Nikki was curling her hair in the bathroom "What's up, Shorty" that was her nickname for me because I was only 5'2 but I liked being short it worked for me. "Did you finally finish all your editing for that day?"
      I nodded but then realized she couldn't see me do that "Yeah I'm all done for now. I still have a few more pictures to edit but that'll only take an hour or two so I can do it tomorrow on the plane ride home."
      "I still can't believe it's over. Like this summer went by so fast." Nikki walked out of the bathroom to where the bunks were at obviously to change. "I'm really going to miss you, Stella."
      "Awh, Nikki I'm going to miss you too. But it's not like we aren't ever going to see each other again." I smiled at her as I changed out of my leggings and a tank top into a pair of high waisted shorts and a black crop top. 
      "You're the cutest thing, Stella. And true we'll see each other sooner rather than later." She beamed at me, then also changed into a black dress with cut outs on the side and black heels. "Are you almost ready to go?"
      "Yeah, just give me one second." I ran into the bathroom put on a little bit of eyeliner and mascara. Then pulled my dark brown hair into a messy bun. "There all ready." I grabbed my favorite pair of black vans and my white & black flannel, I had a feeling it was going to be chilly later on tonight.
      "Alright, well let's go girly." Nikki began walking about the door and I of course followed her.

      When we got to the area the party was happening everything was in full swing there was a stage set up with a dj table but also there was amps and drum kit so anyone could really play if they wanted. There were tables full of alcohol and snacks and a dance floor. Everyone seemed to be having a great time already. Nikki went to go find Jeff, I said hi to a few people and went to grab a drink. I had finally turned 21 in July so I could drink without it being an issue. I took a sip of a drink when a pair of arms snaked around my waist.
      "Guess who?" The mystery person spoke but it wasn't really a mystery I knew it was Devin. I pulled out of his grasp so I could look at him.
      "I think you're the only one who would do that so it wasn't really a surprise." I spoke looking into his eyes.
      He laughed slightly "Well next time I'll try to surprise you better. Now come on let's dance."
      I looked at the cup in my hand finished what was left of it as Devin grabbed my hand and lead me to the makeshift dance floor.
      We danced for what seemed like hours but I didn't mind it was so fun. Devin took my hand and we went to get drinks, after we grabbed those he lead me to this grassy area were no one was really at and we just sat down. I looked up at the sky and it was beautiful you could see all the stars, I took a sip of my drink when I felt Devin's hand tracing over my thigh tattoo, it was a bunch of different flowers that went from the bottom of my hip to the middle of my thigh. I looked at him and he just smiled.
      "Stella you know I think you're without a doubt the most beautiful girl I have ever laid eyes on."
      I felt myself blush, "Oh Devin that's really sweet." We were sitting really close to each other I could feel his breath on my face and his eyes on my lips. This was the moment I had been nerves for being alone with Devin and really letting myself feel something for him. All summer long we had flirted with each other, found excuses to touch without being obvious about it but never had we been this close all alone.
      "So what time is your flight tomorrow?" I asked him trying to defuse the sexual tension between us.
      "I'm not entirely sure." He moved even closer to me making it so I was practically on his lap.
      I wanted this to happen, but the last time I got involved with a lead singer of a band I was left broken hearted and my brother had to help pick up the pieces. "Well I think I ought to go to bed it's pretty late and I have a super early flight tomorrow." I started to get up but Devin held me down.
      "Hold on I wanna give you something." And that's when it happened Devin leaned in and those full lips of his were on mine, at first I was totally shocked but I gave into my feelings closed my eyes and ran my fingers in that blonde hair of his. He had one hand on my waist and the other on my cheek pulling me closer to him. This kiss was everything a girl could hope for it was sweet but so passionate and so meaningful. But I couldn't do this to myself I pulled away from him.
      "I'm sorry Devin I have to go." I got up immediately and started to walk away as fast as possible I could hear him call my name but I couldn't do this not again I couldn't deal with that heartbreak.
      I got back to the bus and immediately went to my bunk I couldn't deal with this I started to cry because it could have been something real with Devin or it could have been just like before and I wasn't willing to chance that. Thankfully Warped Tour was over and I wouldn't have to see or deal with Devin for quite some time.

Hello to anyone who decided to read my story,
      Well I hope you guys enjoyed the first chapter. If it was crap well I'm sorry about that. I'll try to update as much as possible hopefully at least 2-3 times a week. If you have any ideas I'm always up for hearing them. Just thank you again for reading this.

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