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2 Months Later

      "Craig, have you seen my bag of lens?" I questioned my brother as I walked into the living room. My niece and nephew were sitting in the living room looking oddly guilty.
      "No idea Stells. But I have a pretty good idea who might." He looked down at Leila and Caige, those two definitely knew how to get into trouble especially as Caige has gotten older.
      "Leila sweetie do you know where my bag of lens are?" I asked her, she looked up at me and looked really sad.
      "Aunt Stella do you have to go on tour? You just got back and we're really going to miss you." She had tears in her eyes so I went and sat right next to her on the floor.
      "Leila, honey, you know I love with all my heart and I'm going to miss you like crazy but I'll only be gone for about 2 months and then when I get back we'll spend so much time together that you'll just want me to go back on tour." That got her to smile, which was good.
       "Okay Auntie, I'll go get your lens," she gave me a huge hug then ran to where ever she and Caige hid my lens and brought then back to me.
      "Thank you sweetie." I gave her a kiss on the forehead and one to Caige as well.
      I had to go finish packing my flight to Seattle was in 5 hours and I couldn't really be late. Two weeks after Warped Tour, Nikki called me with the greatest news imaginable Sumerian Records loved the photos I had taken of I See Stars so they wanted me to be the photographer for their 10 year anniversary tour, I said yes without hesitation. This was a once in a life time opportunity and there was was no way I was going to pass it up. After I told Nikki yes she was really excited because she was going to do merch for I See Stars for the entire tour so we'd get to hang out.
      I've been super excited for this tour expect for the two people I didn't really wanna see Devin would obviously be on this tour and we hadn't even spoken since the whole kiss thing. Then there was Denis, God that was a mistake. Denis Stoff and I had dated all of last summer into the fall I had fallen madly in love with with him and I thought he felt the same until one day I got a text were he just dumped me. It still hurt to think about it but I wasn't going to let my feelings for these two boys ruin something I wanted more than anything else in this world.
I practically had my entire room packed up with everything I was going to need two bags full of camera equipment and then a bag full with as much clothes as I could possible fit and a final bag with shoes and other things I would probably need. Winter tours were always the most tricky to pack for because you were going to need pretty much twice the amount of clothes compared to a summer tour.
"Stella, come eat!" That was my mom yelling for me, she along with my step-dad had come into town to say goodbye sorta.
I came down stairs with all my bags, not really wanting to carry them down later and headed to the dining room. My mom had made eggplant parmesan for me and then chicken parmesan for everyone else. It was nice to be around my family before leaving for tour we always did these huge family dinners before Craig left do tour and now it was my turn.
"So do you have everything your going to need." My mom asked as i helped her clean up the kitchen after dinner.
"Yeah mom I have 4 bags packed and ready to go and then my small purse with all the important stuff in that. " I began rinsing dished and putting them into the dishwasher.
"Okay good sweetie, well your dad and I have a surprise for you." She went to her purse and pulled out and envelope "We know how stressful it can be on tour so hopefully this will help."
I took the envelope for her and read the card inside: "Stella Amelia Mabbitt, our sweet girl has grown up to become a beautiful strong young women. You are going to go so far in this life and we couldn't be more proud of you. Ever since you picked up a camera at the age of 4 we all knew you were destined for great things. Remember we all love you from the bottoms of our hearts, so go out there and make us proud.
Love; Craig, Cj, Kris, Cassie, Danielle, Paige, your brothers from Escape The Fate Tj, Kevin & Robert; Leila & Caige, Dad & Mom"
I felt a tear run down my cheek, this meant the world to me, after I finished reading it I took the credit card out of the little holder and hugged my mom.
"Thank you so much mom" she rubbed my back as I said that.
" Of course Sweetheart. This is a big deal for you and we all wanted to support you now that card is like a debit card we all put money into it so you'll be set for this entire tour." She kissed my forehead, " You're going to do great things. Now did you remember to pack your laptop."
I chuckled "Yes of course I did." I checked the time on my phone and I had 3 hours till my flight left "I should probably go change and then we should head to the airport." My mom nodded and I ran back up stairs to change into something comfortable for the plan ride, I put on black leggings and an Escape the Fate hoodie. I left my hair down and pulled on my black vans, I grabbed my reading glasses just to help with when I edited and threw those into my purse and was ready to go.
I gave Leila the biggest huge and promised we'd Skype as much as possible. Caige wouldn't let go of my leg but that was okay I'd miss him too, Craig picked him up and then gave me a hug.
"You got this Stells I'm super proud of you." We let go. It wasn't a tearful goodbye but it was nice none the less I'd miss them all dearly but I would only be gone for a few months.

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