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      How the hell could I let Denis Stoff effect me like that. We had broken up over a year ago, but seeing the way he acted around that girl really struck a nerve; it was as if he wanted to rub this other girl in my face. I went and stood outside by the buses, my hand beginning to swell, but at this point I didn't necessarily care.
       "Stella?" A very Ukrainian voice spoke.
      "Get the hell out of my face, Denis." How dare he think he can come just talk to me, after everything, this would be the first time in a year that would say more than two words to each other and I really didn't want to deal with that.
      "Nope, I don't think I will." He spoke coming closer to me.
      "Fine, then I'll go somewhere else." I began to walk away when he ran in front of me and stopped.
      "You know Stella you're super hot when you're jealous. I missed that." He smirked down at me.
     I couldn't help but roll my eyes, " Denis I'm not jealous so don't fool yourself into thinking that. You have absolutely no effect on me anymore."
     "Are you sure about that princess?" His voice got huskier and I watched his eyes become full of lust.
      "One thousand percent sure about that. You're the one who broke up with me remember." I was trying my hardest to hold my ground and not think about how he could just look at me and it still made me weak in the knees.
      "So if I were to run my fingers threw your hair and maybe kiss you, you wouldn't feel absolutely nothing." He stepped closer so there was barely an space between us.
      "No, Denis I would feel something probably..." I couldn't finish my sentence because he leaned in and kissed me first slow almost sweet, then the anger from before ignited this passion and I began to kiss him back almost desperately. He ran his hand up my shirt towards my bra while the other one was in my hair. I dropped my camera bag and put my hands on his chest then felt a pain in my hand bringing me back to reality and I pulled away. I punched a wall because of him, I was devastated because of him I couldn't just let him kiss me and go back down that rabbit hole.
      "What's the matter, Stella? You had to be enjoying that?" He had that same damn cocky grin on his face now that made me fall for him in the first place.
      "You keep telling yourself that Shaforostov. I need to go wrap my hand and get my lens to shoot the show tonight." I picked my camera bag off the ground and walked away from him onto the I See Stars bus. Thankfully no one was on the bus; I went and grabbed some ice for my hand and just sat in the front lounge. I could still feel the tingling in my lips from the kiss; it made me remember all the good times we actually had but then it also reminded me of all the bad times that there was  it felt like my heart had been broken all over again. I began to cry over it all Denis had a hold on my heart still and I couldn't bare it, I was going to have to deal with this feeling for 2 months.
      "Stella?" I hadn't heard anyone come in.
     "Yeah?" I heard my voice crack.
      "Oh sweetie are you okay?" Nikki came and sat by me and started rubbing my back "What happened, Who's ass do I need to kick."
        I broke down and began to tell her everything, every single last detail about what happened last summer with Denis, about the break up, about this summer and how I was second guessing every single decision I had been making so far, "And Nikki I just don't know what to do. I think I'm really starting to develop feeling for Devin, but I can't act on them when there's all this stuff that's happening with Denis."
       "Oh, Stella. I'm glad you told me, I'm here for you no matter what. Denis was an absolute idiot for breaking up with you and you don't need to feel forced to be with Devin. What's meant to happen will happen." She got up and grabbed me a Kleenex, "However you definitely have a mean right hook, there's a hole in the wall where you punched it. How's your hand?"
      "It's okay super swollen though, I should probably wrap it. Do we have an ace bandages." I asked getting up looking for a first aid kit. I found one under the sink and wrapped my hand, nothing was broken but it was super bruised. "Are they going to make me pay for the wall?"
      "No they have no idea who did it." Nikki smiled. "But we should go in. I have to finish setting up the merch table; Jeff will be so mad at me if I make him set it all up all on his own and you my dear need to get ready to take some amazing photos."
       I nodded "Okay let me just fix this hair of mine." I went into the bathroom and fixed my hair so that it was just in a simple ponytail. I grabbed my camera bag and followed Nikki into the venue. She gave me a hug and went to the merch table that JJ was currently running, the doors to the venue had been opened and there were tons of fans around buying merch, and trying to get the best spots to watch the show from.
      I went in front of the barricade and put earplugs in ready for this show to really start, this was a moment I was completely excited for no drama, no stress just me and my camera doing my favorite thing.

5 Hours Later

      The show was astounding all of the bands played their hearts out; and the crowd was so crazy. Thankfully the security guards were great at catching all the crowd surfers making it easy for me to get incredible pictures of both the crowd and the bands. The load out was really easy the crew was so fast. I completely ignored Denis, but still did my job and took some really good photos of him.
      I went to the bus as soon as the show was over and changed into a tank top with leggings and finally letting my hair down . I grabbed a bottle of water and an apple  then sat in the back lounge uploading the pictures of the show to my laptop to get as much editing done as possible.
      "That was so fucking fantastic." Andrew practically yelled as he walked onto the bus with the rest of the band behind him all of them were in high spirits.
      "We have to party a bit tonight." Jeffery added. They all agreed and I could hear them all opening beers, they all started making dumb jokes that they probably wouldn't remember tomorrow. It was great to hear them all in high spirits and they really did deserve it playing  a sold out show on a tour that was looking like it was going to be one of the best this year.
       "Shorty!" Nikki excitedly said as she walked into the back lounge, " Please tell me you had fun tonight?"
       "Yeah of course, it was amazing and I got some really good pictures." I smiled up at her.
      "Are you going to come party with us?" She asked taking a drink of her beer, she had a few drinks inside the venue so I could tell she was already pretty tipsy.
      "As much fun as that sounds, I really need to edit these." I spoke taking a drink of my water.
      "Okay but if you get bored come hang out, okay?" She kissed me on the forehead and then called for Jeff as she walked out of the back lounge.
      I was halfway done with editing the pictures for Born of Osiris; then I only would have to edit Asking Alexandria pictures it was nice feeling to get things done. Everyone all seemed to be having a wonderful time and that really made me happy but I had this feeling that I would be playing mom to people later tonight if they kept drinking like this.
     "Stella. My beautiful special wonderful Stella." Devin who was clearly very drunk at this point came walking into the back lounge and sat down right beside me, "what are you working on hot stuff?"
     "Just editing some pictures Dev," he then put his head on my shoulder "how much have you had to drink?"
      "I think........I'm actually not sure; but I'll be fine now can I see some of the pictures you took. Pretty please." He smiled at me, so I started showing him some of the pictures and he seemed to really like them which was nice even though he was really drunk. I finished showing him pictures and it was already 3 am.
     "Devin, it's really late I think you should go get some sleep. Everyone else has already gone to bed." I started shutting down my laptop as I told him that.
      "Okay but will you come sleep in my bunk with me? You're really warm and nice to cuddle with." He gave me puppy dog eyes as he said that.
     "And how would you know I'm really warm and nice to cuddle with?" I cocked an eyebrow at him.
     "Well I'm pretty sure it was last night I wasn't very sober when we got back to the hotel and I kinda just climbed into bed with you, and you rolled into me and well we kinda just cuddled." He spoke so sweetly, that I felt myself blush from it. He had a good memory for what happened I was quite surprised. I stood up and held out my hand for him to take.
"Well come on Mister. You've had a lot to drink, you need to get some sleep." He took my hand and I helped him up.
I got Devin to change and brush his teeth in the bathroom without me, I wasn't really ready to see him with out a shirt then finally he climbed into his bunk.
"Hey Stell?" He said after I put his phone on the charger, he didn't wait for me to respond but kept going "I'm being serious will you sleep in my bunk with me tonight, I promise I won't try anything."
I took a deep breath and ran my good hand threw my hair, "Okay Devin, but only tonight."
I climbed into his bunk, Devin pulled me into his arms and within minutes I was fast asleep.

Hello Dears,
I hope you guys liked this chapter. It has a lot of ups and downs which I hope you guys like. I'm going to try and spice up the story even more as it goes on. And as always thank you so much for reading this.

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