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I quickly got dressed grabbing Devin's shirt and pulling it over my bra and putting my shorts back on. I walked out of the room trying to pull my hair up, not really knowing what I was about to walk out in to. Only Craig and Robert were in the suite currently so it was a way less embarrassing situation but the moment Craig laid eyes on me he ran back past me right into the room and closed the door leaving it so it was just him and Devin in there.
"Stella you are far to young to be having sex." Robert spoke casually taking a sip of the beer he had and sitting down on the couch.
"Okay, Robert you've been having sex since you were like 16, so you can't say anything about me doing it." I told him grabbing a bottle of water out of the fridge and sitting beside him.
     "Well it was different for me." He said.
      "How the hell was it different for you Robbie?" I was starting to get a little miffed that he was saying this to me.
"Awe well my little boo bear it just was." He spoke rubbing my head I smacked his hand away and just glared at him for a second.
"Oh geez why does Stella look like she's going to stab you Robert?" Sam asked coming out of the bathroom.
"Oh, she's just mad," Robert spoke pointing down to his neck and gesturing his head towards me.
I rolled my eyes at him really annoyed that they were here right now; I needed to find out why the three of them were here.
"So why are you guys here? I thought everyone was going to the club tonight." I asked trying to sound as casual as possible. I was slightly freaking out because Craig had been in the room with Devin for almost 10 minutes.
     "Craig forgot his wallet, and I had a room key so we came here to grab that then we were going to head out to the club." Sam spoke matter of factly.
     I nodded slowly, wow Craig could be so forgetful sometimes which slightly ruined my night.
     "And if I ever see touch my little sister like that again Oliver, so help me god." Craig spoke walking out of the room, Devin followed him out of room still shirtless but had his pants on he looked super guilty about something. "Alright well we are going out to the club, are you coming Stella?"
      Sam, Robert and Craig all looked at me, "Ummm........" I felt just so nervous and looked to Devin for an answer who was conveniently looking down at his phone, "No I think I'm just going to stay here. I have a bit of editing I need to do."
     "Okay, well if you need anything text me. And we need to talk later." Craig said. Robert and Sam started walking out the door and Devin looked at me and smiled.
      "Devin aren't you coming with us?" Craig asked giving him a look as if Devin didn't have a choice.
      "Yeah, just let me grab a shirt. " Devin went to his suitcase and grabbed a black shirt. He pulled it on then came over to me where I was sitting on the couch leaning down and practically whispered. "I'll text you okay?"
     I nodded, he then gave me a quick kiss and followed Craig out the door. I just stared at the tv for a second not really processing what was on and decided to take a shower.
      I took an extremely hot shower, and when I got out, I went and sat on the bed trying to decide what to wear. I put back on Devin's shirt and a pair of panties and climbed into bed. I grabbed my phone off of the night stand checking my texts, I only had one and it was from Devin.

Devin💜💙😍: are you doing okay??

Me: yeah I'm fine, just a little embarrassed.

Me: what did Craig say to you? Because he seemed really really pissed

Devin💜💙😍: Nah babe he wasn't pissed. He was just like lock the door next time. And then did the older brother thing telling me if I break you're heart he'll break my face, to use a condom and that if I were to get you pregnant I'd have to marry you.

Devin💜💙😍: which I mean I'm already planning on marrying you 😏

Me: okay so why did he yell at you when you guys came out of the room?

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